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Hasbro: Avengers Legends Infinite Hawkeye Review

Hasbro Avengers Marvel Legends Infinite Hawkeye Featured

As amazing and as exciting the recently released Avengers Age of Ultron figures have been, there is one figure in particular from the wave that had me really jazzed, Hawkeye.


There are a couple of reasons for this. First being that Clint Barton has been and probably will always be one of my very favorite characters in all of comics. I grew up with him as an Avenger, traveled with out west as he led a new group of Avengers, cried like a baby when he bit it in Disassembled, and squeeled like a pre-teen at a Katy Perry concert when he made his shocking return in House of M. His current book is also one of my favorite reads each month but, his current look from that book is a bit too pedestrian and street clothed for me. His last ML release from the Rocket Raccoon wave was a nice stand in but I need my Clint in all his purple and blue Archery glory. Which is probably the main reason I’m so excited to get this figure.


As an update from the original classic costumed ML figure, it’s a huge upgrade sculpt, and detail wise.  It’s no doubt a really nice figure to add to your ML  or Avengers shelves, but there are a few downers to it. Sadly it’s not the end all be all Hawkeye figure that I so wanted it to be.

The headsculpt is where my first gripe lies.  It’s okay but that huge cartoony chin isn’t quite what I wanted for Clint, and I wished they would have stuck with the mask lines forming the “H” instead of a big ‘ol “H” on the mask.  These are both personal preference choices though, so while they bug me, they may be fine or even the preferred choices of other collectors.



My biggest problem with the figure is the arm though.  I get that it kinda works and is sorta what Clint wore for a bit but the size difference between the re-used Winter Soldier arm and the standard right arm he has is pretty noticeable.Maybe you can write it off as his right arm is bigger because that’s the arm he uses to draw the bow back, but that’s kinda stretching it.  While the armored arm does look cool, and truthfully I can live with it, I kinda wish they would have gone a different route and he may end up getting customized to a more classic feel.  The biggest problem with the Winter Soldier arm is that his hand isn’t ideal for gripping and holding the bow securely. It’s made more for holding guns and having a trigger finger, so It’s kinda hard to get him to keep it in his hand without it falling out easily.   The Rocket Raccoon wave Hawkeye did not have this problem as he grips his bow very tightly.


Those couple of nit picks aside, this is still a figure that leaves me pretty happy I picked it up and finally get it for my collection.  He’s fun to pose and play with and just like the rest of the characters who share the Bucky mold, his articulation and sculpt are really well done. The tunic overlay is a nice addition, even though it rides a bit high which is easily fixed by pulling it down a bit.  The sculpted chain mail and the cloth folds and details on it are very nice.  It really makes the figure look different than just a simple Bucky body repaint.  IMG_1566_zps33686da4

His bow and quiver are both recycled from the previous Rocket Raccoon wave Hawkeye.  I have zero problems with that as both re-uses make perfect sense.

As far as a comparison shot against the previously mentioned Rocket Raccoon wave Hawkeye they stand up pretty equally.  I really wished the lower half of the Avengers wave Hawkeye resembled the unmasked version a bit more.  But overall I can live with it.


Overall I do dig this figure, even with his faults.  My expectations and level of anticipation may have been a little too high, so the few qualms I have with him aren’t that big of a deal to others.  Even with the problems I have with him, it still doesn’t make him a pass.  He’s a must own figure for any Legends collector looking to add to their Avengers or heroes shelves.


If you want a more detailed review of his articulation or to see him in action, RoboKillah did a great video review of Hawkeye that you can check out here.

If you’re interested in picking Hawkeye up you grab him and the rest of the Avengers wave from BBTS or Amazon.

Thanks for checking out my review!  See ya on the Fwoosh!