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Newsfeed: MTV News reports on DC Collectibles Batman the Animated Series

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Batmobile featured

MTV News got another scoop from DC Collectibles, this time it’s all about Batman the Animated Series.

And wowsers is this a good one! While BTAS line from DC Collectibles is eye candy and long overdue series of action figure collectibles. The best part about this press release over at MTV is the sight of the Batmobile. A six in scaled Batmobile. Holy crap. My toy budget just cried.

Read this link for more information, in the meantime enjoy the pictures below.

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Batmobile

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Batman Phantasm

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Mad Hatter

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Nightwing

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Scarecrow

DC Collectible Batman the Animated Series Bane