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McFarlane Toys: The Walking Dead TV Series 6 Production Pics

McFarlane Walking Dead TV Series 6 Production Featured

Pictures of released figures from The Walking Dead TV Series 6 consisting of Rick, The Governor, Abraham, Carol, Hershel, and a walker have popped up on a Hong Kong auction site and they look spectacular!

This is one of those series of figures that is so full of great characters that I can’t pass on any of them. Okay, so we have a Governor already, but this one is different enough to give him another go. And the walker is memorable but may be slightly hard to display. But look at that updated Rick! Gotta have it! He’ll be my first actually, late to the game and all that. Need I even mention getting our first Carol and Hershel? And Abraham perfectly rounds out the assortment as a newer but much needed characters. This set is awesome.

All that’s not even touching on the fact that they are out in Hong Kong so they’re right around the corner from a US release.