Eleven months after the 2014 membership sign-up period ended, the membership package finally arrived. Contents include a patch, a base, a star on a wire, a t-shirt, and a 12-inch action figure. I picked up the membership for the discount that comes with action figure releases from 3A’s Bambaland store, and, my being a 6-inch action figure collector, there are often some good years from 3A. This year was not a great year. Not that there weren’t some kit to get, but the drops seemed to hit at the wrong time.
Nevertheless, I got my membership package.
This is a new version of the standard female 3A figure. It’s still based on the previous base, as reviewed in the previous Tomorrow Queen Princess articles: first version and second version. This time around there is a latex covering on the lower half of the body. It’s a great idea and matches the rubbery chest, but the execution is odd as the articulation underneath comes off as weird looking. The knees are the culprit. The ankles are not that bad, and the hips are passable, but the knees make it look strange.
The costume for the figure is great. I’d have liked to see something covering the crotch area, but the rest is OK. I even dig the concept of the space suit, or half a space suit. And the fit over the figure is great, reminding me why I have this small voice in the back of my head telling me to collect 1/6-scale action figures. The only hitch I’ve had is with the helmet — it pops off way too easily and is a pain to pop back into place.
The membership box comes with life-sized panties for members who renewed their memberships from last year. I have no idea what to do with these, and after glibly asking my wife if she wanted them, they went back in the box. Speaking of the box, my son, who is helping out by taking pictures sometimes, went in to take pictures. He was looking for instructions and came across the artbook, got freaked out, and dropped the photo shoot. Poor kid, he might be scarred for life.
This figure is not available outside of this membership set, so you’ll have to hit eBay, or you can try hitting-up someone who has one for sale.