Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t expect this.
The tentative release date for the Star Wars Black 6-inch TIE Pilot, Clone Sergeant, and Yoda is right around the corner so we all knew they would pop up on eBay out of Hong Kong. It’s an inevitability at this point. Like a pre-game show. Just something to get you excited before the main event. I don’t know sports for jack but I think that’s an apt metaphor. Maybe?
My biggest want of the wave, the TIE Fighter Pilot.
There is something to be said about black armor. All black and looking like armor. I need at least two to flank Vader. And like all the troop builders we’ve seen in the Black Series, the TIE Pilot came out just great. I can’t wait.
Speaking of troop builders, the Clonetrooper Sergeant is going to look spiffy leading my army of Clones. When I get more than one Clone, that is. Silly retail.
I’m not a huge Prequel fan, but I’m a huge trooper fan, and the Clonetroopers fit that bill. When the ranks signified by colors and markings were introduced I thought “Hey, what a genius way to reuse molds or make some easy customs.” With the Sergeant and Commander coming, along with Cody, I don’t have to break out the paints. Unless I want Gree. Mmmm, Gree. I’ll wait and see though.
Finally, Yoda.
This Yoda has been the subject of much discussion and debate. Too Prequel! Soft goods, noooooooo! Just how much articulation is missing?? Why is he the same price as something like the Chewbacca figure? Personally, I’m on the fence right now. I’m definitely not paying eBy prices for him, but if he ends up in the mid to high teens in price, then maybe. Maybe. Probably…