BigBadToyStore has just put up preorders for both Transformers Masterpiece MP-23 Exhaust and MP-24 Star Saber so I thought I’d round up pictures and a little info on both. Exhaust is a fairly new announcement so there isn’t a lot to go on right now, but we’ve known about Star Saber for a while and there is a lot of pictures, most fairly new.
Star Saber is the first Japan-only characters to show up in Masterpiece, hailing from Transformers Victory. Saber, the smaller robot, combines with the larger robot, V-Star, to form Star Saber. He’s scheduled for March 2015 and will set you back $170. You can preorder him on BBTS.
Like I said, MP-23 Exhaust is a new announcement so there’s not a lot out there right now. He reuses the Wheeljack body but sports a new head and comes with the Immobilizer and weapons the differ from Wheeljack. Commonly referred to as Marlboor (Marlboro), he’s a Decepticon based on the variant of the original Diaclone Wheeljack. He’s tempting to me just to have a Decepticon that isn’t a seeker. Due in March 2015 for $80, you can preorder him on BBTS.