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First Look – Total Heroes Ultra Batman Beyond

Mattel Total Heroes Ultra Batman Beyond Featured

I’m not big into the Total Heroes line, but I can’t help loving this Batman Beyond. Is it all the accessories? The fantastic head sculpt? I… don’t know. I’m scared. Hold me.

Although I really like this Batman Beyond, maybe even more than the DCUC version, I don’t think it’s enough to make me run out and pick up the rest of the line. Not that it’s inherently bad. It’s just not my thing, ya know? I’ve become used to a certain aesthetic and this line doesn’t fit into that narrow field. But, like I said, this figure does it for me. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m used to an animated look for the character, so I don’t mind it looking less realistic than the rest of the figures on my shelf. Anyway, down to the nitty gritty.

The packaging is nice. Nice layout of graphics, all the info, everything prominently displayed within the bubble. But I won’t miss it once it’s gone to that big bin in the sky. See ya!

Notice the left ankle peg has slipped out of the hole. I didn’t notice this until I was nearly done with pictures. Easy fix. Anyway, while I feel like BB should be leaner, the large feet and hands help fake that aspect. Don’t get me wrong, I may just go out and try to find a skinnier body, but I’m good with this as-is for now. He cuts a good silhouette. The big winner for me here is the head. Just absolutely beautiful. I like it better than the DCUC one. More… mechanical? Mask-like? Not sure.

Batman Beyond comes with two alternate heads. One is Terry McGinnis…

The other is old man Bruce Wayne…

They work for what they are, but the bad eye paint applications turns me off. The skins seem a little flat too, which is odd to say since it matches the animated look. I just feel like what details there are get lost in the sea of skin tone. Animated style shading? Not sure here.

As far as paint on the rest of the figure, there’s not a lot to mention. The silver on the belt, and then the red of the belt buckle and bat logo. The logo is slightly, SLIGHTLY light, barely showing a bit of black through, but the lines are crisp and the thinness is not that noticeable. Oh, and there is white on the eyes and mouth, both are clean.

Articulation is standard for the Total Heroes line. I go into that in my video review along with other things, like a comparison with the DCUC Batman Beyond.

And then there are the accessories. Four batarangs. Four. Insane! They have red blades that are painted a little sloppy but… four batarangs that are nicely sculpted.

The big thing for a me and probably a lot of other people is the inclusion of the wings. It’s something that was sorely missed on the DCUC release, and while this set isn’t all that special, it adds a lot to the figure. They look cool. Mission accomplished.

Next up is a mask for Terry to hold when he’s not… wearing… the……. mask. That line sounded better in my head. The mask looks great; it’s flattened a bit because there is no head in it, and the neck part forms a handle that slips easily into the hand. This whole line of description sounds overly obvious. Just look at the pics.

Then there is Micron. This is a 2-pack! Not really, but little additions like this is nice, even though Micron is just a statue. Small, no articulation, and the head looks a little warped, but that’s all slightly offset by the nice paint apps. Clean lines and even the little atom looks good.

To wrap it all up, Bats come with three sets of hands. Grippy, flat karate-chop flying, and fists. I’m a sucker for fists, but I may leave one grippy in to hold one of his arsenal of batarangs.

Mattel Total Heroes Ultra Batman Beyond Accessories

Overall, if you’re a fan of Batman Beyond, I recommend this figure. Even if it’s for parts and pieces to make your own on a different body. Because the head is fantastic, the accessories are awesome, and you can’t beat getting it all in one shot.