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Hasbro- X-Men Legends Infinite Magneto with Cape Fix

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto Featured

You know that rusty heap of a car that has a charm that makes you want it, even though you know it gets terrible gas mileage and may break down on you at any time? For all it’s faults you can’t help driving it down the freeway to work every day, kind of happy but a little embarrassed at the same time? That’s X-Men Legends Infinite Magneto. A lot of faults but a much-needed character that is slightly better than what you have on the shelf right now. For the most part.

Before I get to my thoughts on Magneto I will warn you, I did a cape fix to alleviate the “floating shoulders” Magneto had out of the package. Essentially, I moved the peg up a bit. I show the simple process step by step on the back half of my video review.

First, let’s get the package out of the way.

Yeah yeah, you know the deal. Pretty. Open. Discard. Bam.

We knew he was going to be wonky from the initial promo pictures. Reusing the Punisher/Kazar(?)/ whoever else body should not be an option at this point. I appreciate the effort to get us a different body and I definitely didn’t want to see Magneto on the Bucky Cap body, but this is too far a step backwards. From the ugly biceps to 45 degree ball hips, the base is not attractive, both aesthetically or functionally. And that’s underneath the new problems added to this base. Long duck feet and newly sculpted gloves with no wrist articulation. But there’s boot swivels!

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto

I break down the articulation in my video review, but one point that I’m glad was added is the new angled swivel rocker ankle. It’s just too bad they’re plugged into a pair of awful feet. Flip side, I do like the belt, which just a simple band, and after much deliberation and the fix I really like the cape. It’s dynamic and regal looking. And after moving the peg and securing the cape to his back it now reaches the ground and helps with his stability issues. Before when the cape floated it pulled the figure back because of it’s weight.

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto Featured

Another polarizing factor is the head. Some will hate it, some will like it. And some like me will think it’s okay and passable. It’s not as cartoony as I originally feared, and while helmet is not as elongated on bottom as I would prefer it does have an old school look that I can get behind.

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto 1

Another thing to watch out for is his left hand being warped all the way to next Friday by the inner plastic tray. Mine looks like it was run over by a dump truck.

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto Comparison

Honestly, I can’t tell you how I feel about this figure. I like having a Magneto on the shelf. He’s passable. But at the same time he could be so much better. Then my mood turns to hate when I look at all the downfalls I already listed. But then the lowered cape helps distract away from the biceps. But that doesn’t hide the feet. But the cape is nice.

Too many buts.

If nothing else, because the boots and gloves are added pieces on swivels, I think parts can be salvaged from this to be used on a custom using that new in-between Bucky and Hyperion body that Hasbro is sure to give us soon, right? Right?

Xmen Legends Infinite Magneto Comparison 1