If you’ve been anywhere near a computer for the last few days, you’re probably aware of the unrelenting juggernaut of good news that has been shoved down our collective throats. Six-inch scale Marvel action figures are not only alive, but thriving, and the next year is going to be jam-packed with plenty of poseable plastic pulchritude. Some of it was expected, some were complete surprises, and a few were literally jaw-dropping. And I mean literally. Hasbro has made a considerable reversal of direction from only a few years ago when the Marvel Legends as we knew it was closer to the grave than ever before. While it is not a good time to be an X-Men fanatic, it is a damn good time to be a Marvel fan, so let’s take a look at all we have to look forward to!
Preview night
Preview night started things off with a radioactive bang. We were treated to our first nigh-inscrutable pictures of a blurry green thing and a blurry black and yellow thing that astute Fwooshers identified as Radioactive Man and Warbird/Ms. Marvel. This one-two punch of much needed redo coupled with previously announced yet missing figure started off the SDCC experience with high hopes and plenty of excitement. Radioactive Man was a figure shown last year as part of a wave that never materialized at retail — or anywhere. His appearance bolstered hopes that the remaining sorely missed characters would make their way out in some form. That hope was later made even more tangible. More on that later.
Radioactive Man, Warbird, and Captain America are going to be Target exclusives. I love three-packs, box sets, and any type of multiple purchase opportunity. While Captain America is essentially a waste of space in the box, I’m at the point where I don’t care. An updated Warbird on their super sexy new female body and the long, long-awaited appearance of Radioactive Man is well worth it. Excitement was already high, and this was only a preview. Would our hopes be dashed?
Not even a little bit. Because the next thing we knew, we were hit by a barrage right in the face with some completely unexpected appearances in the brand new Avengers Waves. Let’s take them one at a time:
Odin/Thor BAF
It has taken a long time to get Odin. Many have been asking for him for a long time, and Odin is one of those characters without a definitive look, so as long as the figure resembles a regal, one-eyed, bearded guy who dominates the room, it’s hard to get him wrong. But the coolest part is the fact that, like the previous Arnim Zola figure, you can build two completely different characters. One of them is Odin, Allfather of Asgard, and the other is his son Thor, the future King of Asgard, from the first arc of Jason Aaron’s current Thor comic. A head and an arm swap and you can build two very different rules of Asgard.
Scarlet Witch
Everybody remembers that awful ToyBiz Scarlet Witch. Well, throw it away, erase it from your mind and pretend it doesn’t exist because that horrific accident is finally being rectified with a brand new Wanda, complete with hex bolts that attach to her hands. Like Ms. Marvel?Warbird/whatevershewantstobecalled, Scarlet Witch is a huge update from a previous TB figure. If each and every one of those can be updated then the world will finally make sense.
I have to be doubly honest: I like Sentry. I don’t like the comics he’s appeared in, but I like the idea of him, and I like the Hyperion body for him. I do. It’s slightly larger, slightly MORE, and I feel that fits with his stature. Sentry was another homeless figure who was supposed to be a swap but got lost along the way, so finally getting him will be nice. Yes, I like Sentry — sue me!
I don’t have much to say about this. While I can forgive an Allfather Thor for being larger mainly because Odin’s the important part of that equation, I’m a little tired of the oversized Thors built on that initial Thor. This one doesn’t really thrill me.
Captain Marvel
Not content to be included in a three-pack, Carol is getting a figure of her brand new costume. I’m waffly on this costume. I disliked it initially, but I’m coming around on it. I think the figure itself looks great, with two heads (and a great hair sculpt), so this is a welcome addition.
Another straggler finally gets his place in the line. Once upon a time we got a modern Hawkeye, and this version was thought gone for good, but he’s got another shot, and with an improved figure to boot. While I’d like to have a bit more of his classic color accents, I can do that myself, and this brings another updated TB figure into modern times. Welcome home, Clint.
Iron Fist
Another lost figure (sense a theme) bettered by time, Iron Fist is no longer using cast-off thwipp hands, but gets some funky, expressive martial arts hands. I believe I read he will be coming with multiple hands, so double fists, please, on account of his name and all Wakkachow!
And finally the highlight of the wave: Machine Man
Sweet Geebus, this was exciting. I barely believe that he exists, like it’s yet another cruel joke along the lines of Batroc or Blizzard that will be taken away. Machine Man is one of those figures you silently pine for while not believing he has much of a chance. But he does, and he did, and he’ll be coming soon. That’s just super.
But the Avengers didn’t stop there. You know they’re pretty popular now, so we’ve got plenty more figures coming in later waves. Machine Man levels of excitement hit once more with
I can’t believe this one is happening either. Number one, Yellow. I just didn’t want to have to customize that. But this is an easy sideways visit to Firestar-land. I need a couple. Hellcat is another of those great niche characters that you always know should be made but have no hope of it actually getting made. Ain’t that grand?
Continuing the theme of updating crappy old TB figures, Spider-Woman also debuted. Spider-Woman has one of the best female costumes ever, so I’m glad there’s never been any attempt to update it or anything. Simple lines, iconic imagery, red and yellow… while I’m not a Bendis fan, I’m glad he pushed Spider-Woman back into the limelight, and I’m super glad she’s getting a brand new figure.
And finally for Avengers news, BAF Thanos.
I’m torn on this one, but not totally. Thanos is modern, and while I’m bummed about that since I can’t use the Marvel Select figure as a Marvel Legends stand-in and have wanted an ML Thanos for a long long time, there’s a bittersweet aura about him. I will say they did modernizing right with him; I hated his Annihilation robes look, hated hated, and our getting that version in any way would have sucked. I like the fact that this at least carries over the major Thanos themes and color schemes, and the fact that the design elements are all essentially the same. I will never understand why updating designs nowadays means adding lines all over things, but this at least looks like Thanos at first glance, which is a lot better than some redesigns achieve. Bonus hilarity is that he looks like he’ll also be too large for my tastes. Haha… nertz. But still, Thanos needed to happen, and I’m glad he is. He’s not a bad-looking figure after all, with plenty of newly sculpted parts.
But dudes and dudettes, we’re not even done. That was just Avengers. There’s Spider-stuff also. First among them being…
Screw sculpted webs. Recessed or raised or any type begone, these are flat painted weblines on a nude body, and that’s the way nature intended. I may have to rethink my stance that there will never be perfect versions of A-listers because unless something goes horribly wrong I think this may be the most perfect Spider-Man ever released. Multiple hands, a half-masked alternate face, a pizza…
A pizza?
This is the Spider-Man that I’ve been waiting for. I thought the previous movie one was good, but this one is bright and shiny and looks like it will blow that one away.
I never read this series. From literally everything I’ve heard, I should have, and I need to at some point, but the good news is that if I start, I’ll have a figure to accompany my reading. Pete’s daughter May as Spider-Girl is a great idea for a figure, and she looks great. Even without having read the book, I’ll be picking one up just on the basis of how great it looks.
Spider-Man 2099
Great design, always interesting, I wanted the one TB made, but that body left a lot to be desired, so I never got him. This is more like it ,though, and I’ll gladly pick up one. More Spidey on a great body is never wrong, Hasbro. Keep them coming.
Finally, Phil Urich’s Hobgoblin
As a huge fan of Superior Spider-Man and what Slott did with that title, I’m pretty much honor-bound to pick up this one. I already have a perfect classic Hobgoblin, so this is a great update and, as a completely different character, will match up perfectly. Those biceps are weird, though. Not sure what’s going on with those, as that seems a bit archaic in design.
OK, I’ve babbled long enough without hitting everything. An Avengers movie three-pack with Coulson, Maria Hill, and Nick Fury is a great idea for those who have pined after Coulson. Dormammu was announced, even if he’s sucky modern Dormammu. The news of a Guardians of the Galaxy box set with the entire team and improved Drax sounds awesome. It looks like Marvel Toys are strong for the forseeable future.
It was a surprisingly awesome convention for Marvel fans. I’m sure I’ve missed something, but I’m reacted out. Thanks for reading!