The NECA booth was so crowded on Preview Night that I missed a few things and they also showed off a few new prototypes. Check out some new pics of Ripley, The Penguin, Godzilla, Pacific Rim and The ALIEN Queen.
Ripley has been hotly anticipated over the years and this prototype did not disappoint. They had her in her Nostromo pilot gear and also a suit. I love the look of her face behind that glass. So cool.
This 1/4 scale Penguin from Batman Returns is one of the most amazing (and disturbing) likenesses I’ve ever seen. I congratulate NECA on the job well done, but there is no way in hell that thing will ever be in my home. So gross. The Ledger and Ward likeness are also pretty great.
The classic apes figures are so good, I shot some more pics. I can’t wait to get some of these and I really hope they make a regular figure of Taylor. I’d buy it in a second.
More Monsters
Finally, the Alien Queen. This thing is so massive and cool looking, but the glass case made it especially tough for me to get pictures that convey the awesome. I love the diorama.