There’s a lot of love for Ant-Man lately. Granted, it helps having a movie in some phase of production and being tied to one of the hottest properties on the face of the planet — Marvel’s Avengers. Ant-Man’s 6-inch counterpart recently got some review love from themanintheanthill, and Ant-Man’s release in Marvel Infinites (Universe) is long over due! This month you can find this figure at your local toy outlet.
This week we dropped a review of Marvel Universe Yellowjacket, and not too long ago canonball hit up the Marvel Infinite Wasp. Yellowjacket was a prep for this amazing new Ant-Man figure. Collectors have wanted a small-scaled, fully articulated Ant-Man figure to go with their Marvel Legends action figures. We’ve gotten Ant-Man before in Toy Biz’s Marvel Legends Series 4, but that reissue of the 5-inch figure just didn’t cut the mustard. Now we have one that does.
The back of the package clearly states this is Hank Pym, and it could be — or it could be Scott Lang. The helmet isn’t removable and I think he’d fit as either or. I’m gonna have to get another one for my Avengers collection as I’ll need both Lang and Pym as Ant-Man in it.
The figure is great; it’s a sculpt we’ve seen before and it is decent update of the buck used for Yellowjacket. I like the lankier/skinnier build to it. the helmet is fantastic, but it looks like it is the Ultimates version. No matter, it’s just missing some antennae. Easy fix.
The articulation is pretty damn good on this figure, but not without room for improvement. Where Wasp has a hinged neck, Ant-Man doesn’t, which is too bad since there isn’t a great range of motion in the up-and-down movement. The ball joint that is there gives and OK range of motion, but the hinge on the neck would be ideal for looking up, and Ant-Man, being small, looks up a lot. The other improvement is rocker ankles, I’m just addicted to them. Everything needs rocker ankles! Other than those joints, the articulation is great, very useful, and fun for poses!
There’s also a little unarticulated Ant-Man that comes with the figure — he’s tiny! Looks like he could ride on the back of an ant.
The figure is tons of fun and a great addition to the Marvel Legends/Universe/Infinites collections that cover your shelves! You can pick him up today at: