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Orsogranito Lord Hound Custom Kit

Hound HeadlineWe continue our look at custom kits by Orsogranito with the Masters of the Universe/Game of Thrones mash-up figure Lord Hound.  I’m always impressed when customizers sculpt their own accessories and armor for figures, but it’s even more impressive to me when they go the extra step and mold and cast those sculpts into plastic.  It’s a final step that makes it feel a bit more like a factory figure than a custom.

Lord Hound_01 Lord Hound_02I have molded and cast a few things as a customizer myself.  It was a huge pain in the rear, which may be part of why I’m so impressed when I see others mold and cast successfully.

Lord Hound_03 Lord Hound_04The Lord Hound kit consists of the helmeted head, a longsword, and armor.  The head sculpt has a moveable upper jaw so you can reveal the face below.  The lower jaw is also removable.

Lord Hound_05 Lord Hound_06I love the massive snarling dog sculpt on the helm, and it’s really cool that Orsogranito figured out a way to get the jaw to articulate.

Lord Hound_07 Lord Hound_08The sword is huge and looks as though it’s been through the wringer.  Finally, the armor has a nice bold design with chunky, thick rivets and bolts that fit the MOTUC style.

Lord Hound_09 Lord Hound_10I especially like the cuts and dings that show the battle worn nature of the armor.  The shoulder pads connect to the neck piece via some flexible tabs, so the arm articulation is preserved.

Lord Hound_11 Lord Hound_12There is also a little peg that connects to the armor to help it sit more securely on topless MOTUC figures in case you don’t want to use an armored base figure.

Lord Hound_13Like the Kobold kit, Orsogranito has a couple different versions of the kit available for sale, including a non-painted kit or a painted kit.  I have the painted kit on a He-Ro body with a shirt from Demo-Man as a type of surcoat, but if you order a kit, there is a wide variety of ways you can choose to assemble it.

Lord Hound_14I like the paint work on the kit quite a bit as the armor is a nice dingy metallic and has a subtle wash that brings out the detail.  A cool version I saw online used the Chief Carnivus skirt, the demo-man shirt, and armored arms and legs from King Hiss.

Lord Hound_15Orsogranito did a version where he sculpted chain mail on all the exposed limbs and Leo Aquino did a version similar to this one except he left the arms bare and added the arm spike from Demo-Man as extra armor.

Lord Hound_16I think this shows that you can do a lot of custom work to complete this figure or just do some paint work and it still looks great.

Lord Hound_17I’m the kind of guy who looks at custom threads and makes lists of all the customs I want to complete for my own collection.  I’ve got fodder ready to go for tons of these kinds of projects, but I rarely follow through.

Lord Hound_18Custom kits like these are really helpful to me in following through on a custom project I want to replicate.  This kit in particular is right up my alley.

Lord Hound_19The A Song of Ice and Fire series and MOTUC are two of my favorite things going right now, and The Hound is a perfect fit for the MOTU world.

Lord Hound_20I can see him as a mercenary working for Skeletor or an evil lord of his own petty fiefdom on Eternia or Etheria.  I’ve made a couple Game of Thrones-inspired MOTUC customs myself, but sculpting the helm would have scared me off of a Hound, so I am very grateful to Orsogranito for helping me add this guy to my collection and thanks for sending this kit along for review.

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