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Hasbro – Guardians of the Galaxy Legends Infinite Iron Man

Guardians Of The Galaxy Legends Infinite Iron Man Featured
Iron Man from the Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite Series kinda slipped off my schedule. It’s not that he’s a bad figure, but man, it was exciting to get the whole GOTG team all in one shot. So yeah, he was passed over like the middle child on vacation. So I’m going to take a minute to go back and take a quick look at Iron Man in his space armor, take that kid for some ice cream and try to make up for it.

First off, the packaging is the new snazzy Infinite Series window box we’ve become accustomed to. I love the black and purple and how minimalistic it is. I love it even more for the fact that it contains my toy. I don’t buy cardboard, I buy plastic! Be gone!

The torso, waist, and legs are repurposed from the Bleeding Edge Iron Man, and it’s a good choice as far as reuse goes. I’m not as familiar with this suit as I am older iterations, so it works for someone like me. Basically, what I’m saying is I don’t know if it’s wrong or not. The main pic on Marvel’s Wiki shows a more movie-inspired torso, but then right beside it there is the same armor with a different look, along with a couple of other pics that look slightly different. So yeah. The head and arms are new for the figure, though. The head looks dead-on to the pics on Wiki, though. So like I said, it works.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Legends Infinite Iron Man Compare

The articulation is standard fare for most of what we’ve been getting with Marvel Legends and Legends Infinite.

  • Double hinge elbows
  • Double hinge knees
  • Hinge neck with a ball at the base of the skull
  • Hinge/swivel shoulders
  • Hinge/swivel wrists
  • Ab crunch
  • Swivel waist
  • Hinge/swivel hips
  • Swivel thigh
  • Hinge/angled swivel ankle

The elbows and knees are floppy, rubbery. While my Guardians and Nova all seemed to stiffen up after a few days, Iron Man hasn’t. I gripe about that and show the articulation more in depth in this video breakdown:

Still getting used to YouTube’n, bear with me.

I always mention that I love the swirly plastic and it’s no different here. Along with the gold paint apps, I don’t have any problem with color bleed or chips on my figure.

At the end of the day, I’m secretly always happy to get another Iron Man. Well, except when they are the smaller movie versions. But with so many versions of the armor out there, it’s kind of fun to get a different one when Hasbro does slot him into a wave. In fact, like I said in the video, I prefer this Iron Man to the Bleeding Edge. But that may also be because of my already overflowing cosmic Marvel love being amped to 11 because of the GOTG movie about to hit. Oh, this Iron Man goes with the Guardians? I’M IN!