There has been a real explosion in the Masters of the Universe Classics third-party accessories world in the last year. Customizer Orsogranito has joined the fray, and we are going to take a look at three excellent kits that give customizers a hand with creating some new MOTU characters to add to their MOTUC collection. First up is the Kobold conversion kit!
In the Masters of the Universe mini-comic Slave City, Kobolds are the evil henchmen of Lodar, master of the fighting pits of Targa. They ran in a pack and tracked down escaped slaves for Lodar. The have a really wild alien design with an elongated head, spikey spine ridges, and a large blue head that’s slightly reminiscent of the Predator’s face mask. I see a lot of people online calling for a Lodar figure, and somewhat fewer requesting Kobolds, but I love the obscure stuff, especially mini-comics based figures, so this kit is right up my alley.
The kit consists of two monster hands, a clip-on neck extension/spine-ridge piece, two elbow spikes, and a new head sculpt. You can order a full figure, a painted kit, or an unpainted kit at Orsogranito’s online store, so any level of customizer can get in on the action.
I love the crazy spine-ridge details on the back piece and the huge, round alien eyes on the head. The massive clawed hands are a fun touch that adds a bit more of a deadly feel to the overall Kobold design.
The kit pieces are all really sturdy and attach easily to the figure with little problem.
The hands pop into the forearms of the Mer-Man I used to make mine and the Demo-Man Orsogranito used. The spine slips over the neck peg and stays on sturdily with no glue.
The spikes have to be glued on, but it’s really clear how they should fit on.
The paint on the painted figure is extremely smooth and features some nice two-tone shading. Another interesting feature is the cool glossy and glittery eye paint.
Orsogranito covered the large alien orbs with this beautiful paint that looks gloss black at first glance, but it shines an alien shimmering green under lights. It’s a cool effect for sure.
Overall, I found making my Kobold from the painted kit a fun and satisfying custom project.
This is just the type of obscure monster that I don’t have much hope of seeing from Mattel, so I’m glad to have this one. Hmmm… now to decide if I really need two more Kobolds or not…
That’s it for the Kobold kit. Be sure to check back later in the week for a look at a Game of Thrones/ MOTUC mash-up kit from Orsogranito — Lord Hound!