Bandai’s S.H. Monsterarts Big Chap creature from the hit movie Alien is out and the early reviews are… not promising. Sith_Fire30 posted some thoughts on Facebook. Sith_Fire30’s been in the middle of a huge undertaking sculpting the Nostromo from scratch as well as the characters and Big Chap himself in 1/18 scale, and he’s not just become a student of Alien, but an expert. It’s why his opinion of S.H. Monsterarts means so much to me. Bandai dropped the ball on the scale, not certain why the figure did not come out in the advertised scale, this won’t be a killer for me, but it is a huge let down.
As I head to the post office today to pick up the figure my current feelings are on the fence. The scale part really has me down on the figure, you’ll have to wait to hear my final thoughts later this week!