Released in 2011, Scarabus was a new addition to the Fantastic Exclusive from Four Horsemen Studios. As with Xetheus and Ramathorr before him, Scarabus completed a new level of “wow” in 6-inch action figures. VeeBee was gracious enough to provide first looks in 2011 and supply us with some incredible prose as he wound his way through the figures. Now with the release of the next Gothitropolis series of birds on the way, it’s time to tackle an individual entry for Scarabus!
Scarabus is another tall action figure. Standing some 7 inches in height, this is an imposing figure to have on your shelf. To date, this has been the best engineered figure of the bunch: no loose joints, no joints that pop off, all the articulation works beautifully, the armor moves with the articulation, and there is no funkiness with skirts like there was with Queen Alluxandra preventing hip poses. Scarabus is a magnificent figure to play with and display.
The sculpt on this creature is just amazing! It looks like it is based on Four Horsemen DC Universe Classics standard male buck. The thighs and the ab joint leftover on the back are big giveaways to that. And why not? The bucks that were developed for DC Universe Classics are some of the best figures made in many years. Four Horsemen Studios brought their “A” game to the figure. The amount of detail on this figure is simply mind-boggling; I can spend hours studying it. If I were to find one thing to nitpick, it’s the lack of human feet, which is not a huge issue, but it would be perfect for Thoth, Horus, and Anubis.
The articulation on Scarabus is perfect. The figure is able to pose and do all the poses that you would expect an “action figure” to do. The only joint that I am missing is the ab joint, but I understand the complexity of the armor would make it difficult to engineer. The breakdown is:
Hinged ankles
Swivel ankles
Hinged knees
Swivel thighs
Hinged thighs
Swivel waist
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Hinged elbows
Swivel wrists
Hinged wrists
Ball head
Scarabus comes with plenty of accessories. The cape is removable, the shoulder pads are removable, the staff has a sphere head and a spear head, there are multiple hands, and energy flames. In addition, he comes with multiple faces for different looks. He’s a ton of fun to play with and to change up with different looks.
For the 6-inch collectors or the Masters of the Universe Classics collector, Scarabus makes for a good companion piece.
You can still pick this figure up on
And many of the variants are still available at