I still consider myself a new Transformers collector, at least in my adult life. I had loads and loads back in the 80’s. Back then I just looked at the instructions and thought “Pfft, I don’t need those” But now 30 years later I must have lost some of that engineering skill and can barely make it through a transformation even with instructions. And online tutorials. And YouTube videos explaining exactly what to do. But like I said, I’m new to the modern toys. And a lot of that has to do with the release of Masterpiece Soundwave. My continued interest is because of the announcement of Bumblebee. Now there is this color picture from a magazine scan and he just looks better and better.
Nice, Bumblebee looks to be about Classics size, but more Classic than Classics. Can’t beat that. He comes with a pistol and two faceplates, normal and smiling. Unless you snag the Amazon.co.jp preorder. Then you get a third faceplate with the battle mask from way back on the original toy. And then of course there’s Spike in Exo-suit.
Also floating around are more magazines scans of Transformers Masterpiece Ultra Magnus, giving a better look at his details and size.
This confirms that the cab is just part of the larger robot and not an individual robot like the vintage toy. But, he can store the Matrix in his chest which is nice. I still don’t understand his faceplate being removable to reveal a G1 Optimus Prime style face and the picture don’t help me at all. The butt flap is also throwing me off. But he’s nice and big and bulky and all Ultra Magnusy. Want.
Bumblebee is set to be released in November ’14 while Magnus will follow closely in December. Is it November yet?