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LEGO – Simpsons Minifigures Quick Pics

LEGO sets keep getting more and more impressive. The imagination and complexity that is going into the average LEGO set these days is incredible, to say the least, and the wealth of licensed properties under their helm virtually guarantees there is something for everyone. Due to space concerns, I’ve been pretty good about keeping LEGO at bay, only allowing myself to cherry-pick wave after wave of the awesome Minifigures. While that’s been working for me, I think LEGO has finally procured the one license that is likely to make me finally give in and dive into the world of LEGO full-bore.

Simpsons27When news of LEGO sets based on The Simpsons first circulated, I was hopeful… yet apprehensive. I wasn’t sure how they’d pull off the very unique designs of each character in LEGO form, particularly their heads, so my interest wasn’t exactly piqued — yet. Then promo images of the Simpsons house made the rounds, and I got a good look at the Minifigures. Their heads were actually full, unique sculpts and not just the standard LEGO heads with painted details and maybe a hat. That clinched it — I was in. Maybe. Space was still an issue.

But THEN pics of the Simpsons-themed Minifigures wave popped up, and I knew this was going to be the tipping point. And I was right.

The official release date for this wave is Thursday, May 1, but some stores here and there have chosen to disregard that street date, which is how I was able to find my set. While visiting a local Fred Meyer store, I happened upon 14 cases out on the shelves. Stoked, I dove right in and started trying to feel my way through each bag to net myself a full set (sans doubles). It took quite a while, but the effort paid off and what we see here are the fruits of that labor:


They look outstanding together and it’s a great cross-section of characters represented here. In fact, if this were to be all we ever get, I’d feel pretty satisfied with this assortment. That’s not to say this set hasn’t kick-started that dreadful wishlist affliction all toy collectors are saddled with, but I feel pretty good about what we’re getting here.

Each figure comes with a character-specific accessory or two, and even if you’re not into LEGOs in general, these serve as straight-up action figures much more effectively than the standard LEGO Minifigure due to their more elaborate sculpts. I often forget these are LEGO figures as I fiddle with them because of their detailed and faithful head sculpts. They’re awesome.

Homer and Marge

Homer and Marge each come with two accessories, and both figures look great. Homer’s blank stare combined with the doughnut and TV remote is perfect.

Bart and Lisa

Lisa comes with her saxophone, so it would be cool to get a Bleeding-Gums Murphy at some point. Bart comes with his signature skateboard that he can actually ride. Bart is one of the easier ones to find due to the shape of the board and wheels.

Maggie and Grampa

Grampa (Abe Simpson) comes with a newspaper with his own likeness on it, and Maggie comes with what could be the most significant accessory of the bunch: Mr. Burns’ old stuffed teddy bear “Bobo.” Her worried look is adorable.

Ned Flanders and Mr. Burns

Ned comes with a mug that’s a clear nod to his shop for left-handed folks and a tool box marked as his property (in case Homer borrows it). Mr. Burns comes with “Blinky” in a small fish bowl (well, Blinky is painted on the bowl, anyway) and one-time employee of the month: the inanimate carbon rod.

Itchy and Scratchy

These two each come with a particular weapon of extreme violence. I’m so happy to see Itchy and Scratchy included here. Itchy is pretty easy to pick out due to the shape of his ears.

Nelson, Ralph, and Milhouse

Nelson comes with a bat, Ralph comes with the valentine he made for Lisa, and Milhouse comes with a comic book (though I’m disappointed it’s not Radioactive Man #1). Ralph is one of my favorite characters, so I’m happy to see his accessory is a nod to one of the better episodes that featured him.

Chief Wiggum, Apu, and Krusty

Wiggum comes with some standard police tools, Krusty comes with a pie, and Apu comes with a Squishee — one of the Simpsons most signature fictional products. Apu may be my favorite out of the set. I go back and forth between him and Mr. Burns.

Wiggum is a bit too… skinny? He’s the only one LEGO didn’t fully nail because the character’s body shape doesn’t quite work with this LEGO body.

These will be widely available as of May 1, and they’re sure to be more popular than past Minifigures waves just due to the multi-generational appeal of The Simpsons. Be aware that they are a bit more expensive than past Minifigure waves, which can probably be attributed to the licensing costs of the Simpsons property, but to me they’re totally worth it.

And now I’m going to need to find room for the LEGO Simpsons house. Somehow. I need MOAR.

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