NECA proves they can improve an already great figure by giving us an ultimate version of Freddy from A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Freddy stands nearly 7″ tall and features an all new fully articulated lower body featuring ball-hinged thighs and knees. Freddy includes 3 interchangeable heads including closed mouth, open mouth grimace, and skull face. He features an interchangeable left hand with 2 fingers cut off and includes a dead skin mask, tongue phone, and his trusty fedora. Loaded with features, detail and articulation this is the Freddy figure to own.
You can see more pictures over on NECA’s site and preorder him on BigBadToyStore.
Max Factory released new pictures of Figma Captain America but the shots are a bit blurry and small. And dark. Like they hired me to take their pics.
They always get me with that shield throwing pose. Preorders are set to be announced within the next 24 hours.
RAH Kick-Ass 2 is something that kind of snuck up on me, but Medicom’s new press pics are impressive.
He’s $162 on AmiAmi but given Hit-Girl’s US price is above $180 I expect it to be about the same.
We looked at Transformers Masterpiece MP-22 Ultra Magnus last night but a better picture popped up today.
It still doesn’t settle the debate about whether the cab is a robot, a white Optimus Prime, or just part of the larger Magnus, but he’s still looking beautiful.
And then there’s this…
I saw this on my Facebook feed today and not really paying attention thought “Peter was a girl before the bite?” Yeah, I don’t know, I’m an idiot.