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Happy Hour- Revol Mini Kinnikuman and Solid Snake, MP-22 Ultra Magnus, and 13″ Boba Fett

Remember last night how I was griping about the lack of toy news? Well, I take it back. I think every time I looked at my phone today something different was popping up. Don’t worry though, I’ll be bitching again soon enough.

Pictures popped up today of Revoltechs new smaller scale line, Revol Mini, and the first two characters are Kinnikuman and Solid Snake!

Clocking at about four inches tall, these look fantastic! I especially like the wrestling poses, those are pretty insane. Snake comes with his SOCOM, the FAMAS assault rifle, grappling hook, holster, and multiple hands. Look for these around July for about $25.

The Transformers Masterpiece train keeps on chugging along, today with new pics of MP-22 Ultra Magnus.

While I really like KFC’s Citizen Stack this is an even better Magnus. While translations of the text above are all over so far it hasn’t been nailed down what the cab of the truck actually turns into. It’s said to not be MP-10 Optimus in white, at least not exactly, but either a robot of some kind or just part of the main robot form. The front part of the head is removable to reveal a classic Optimus face, but again it’s hard to tell. The main seller is that he’s not huge. Bigger than Prime but not too much. Dare I say perfect?

Look for Ultra Magnus to be released in December.

Speaking of Transformers Masterpiece, here’s a pic of the packaging for Hasbro’s US release of Prowl.

Transformers Masterpiece Prowl Hasbro TRU Release

I yanked this off Dan Curto’s Facebook page. He’s currently touring Disney VIP style and got a look at some of the upcoming product like this 13 inch Boba Fett.

Prototype 13 inch Boba Fett

Fett is a Disney Store Exclusive and comes with lights, sound, and best of all, some articulation. No more info, but they had me at Boba Fett. And 13 inch.

I. Will. Have. This.

Robo, master of segues. Amazon put Star Wars Black series 4 up for preorder today. Well, at least Anakin Skywalker and the Clonetrooper. No Stormtroopers that I can see. Probably already bought up by third party Amazon sellers! Or as my buddy st.cardinal would say, SCALPERS!

And then there’s this…

Star Trek Vegas Contest and ThinkGeek are having a sweepstakes with some cool prizes at the Vega Trek Convention at the end of July. A Trekked out room?? Count me in!