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KFC- Citizen Stack Final Images (Third Party Ultra Magnus)

I am only a few weeks into my brand new Transformers Masterpiece obsession so it seems like every day I find something new to oooo and ahhhh about. Especially on the third party front. It’s a bit overwhelming in an awesome and crazy way. Like KFC’s Citizen Stack, or rather Ultra Magnus. INSANELY COOL. There may be a slight wrongness to the height but you can’t deny he’s a nice sculpt and price, running about $175. The biggie here seems to be the fact that he’s not a white Optimus Prime with armor, but a complete transforming truck and trailer as evidenced by no break lines on the cab of the truck and what looks like the back of the cab being the top of of the torso. Check where the smokestacks are. And he even holds the Matrix in his chest.

I know a few guys are waiting to see what TakaraTomy’s official Masterpiece Ultra Magnus is going to look like and how much it is going to cost, and that’s a completely logical thing to do. But the fact that we have options is a beautiful thing.

You can see a lot more pictures on KFC’s Facebook page.

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