As we’re gearing up for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the embodiment of patriotism in the Marvel Comics universe, I thought it’d be fun this week to depart from my typical Top 5 essential figures for our Mattel Legends collection and instead spotlight five wrestlers who embody good ‘ol American pride. I disqualified Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler because they’d just obliterate the competition.
Honorable Mention: The Patriot.
How could a list of patriotic wrestlers not include the guy with it in his name? While he couldn’t quite get the upper hand against that Canadian legend Bret “The Hitman” Hart, The Patriot was proud of his country and donned a mask to symbolize that anyone could be an American patriot. Had his stint lasted a bit longer, he would have likely earned a spot in the Top 5.
5. “Made in the U.S.A.” Lex Luger
After years of straddling the heel and fan-favorite side of the fences, “The Total Package” switched up from his previous narcissist identity and embraced his national pride in his feud against Yokozuna, the “Japanese” sumo wrestler. Through much of 1993, Lex battled Yokozuna and his foreign allies – Ludvig Borga, The Quebecers, and even American turncoat Crush. Luger’s patriotism was so contagious that even The Undertaker embraced the USA Movement with a specialized trench coat while teaming with Luger at Survivor Series 93.
Yes, I know this guy could arguably be the #1 choice on other lists, but there’s that little matter of his stint as the Iraqi sympathizer that knocks the Sarge to honorable mention status. While the other guys on the list may have been bad guys and not necessarily always exhibit the best virtues, none of them played off their history of being a patriot to turn against the fans as quickly as Sgt. Slaughter. What would Snake-Eyes, Flint, and the rest of the G.I. Joes think?
While most wrestlers go through patriotic phases, the only Olympic gold medalist to enter the squared circle never strays from representing the stars and stripes, whether as an obnoxious comedic overachiever or a serious unstoppable wrestling machine. Angle makes sure to wear some sort of USA-inspired gear to let fans and opponents know where his true loyalties lie.
The man from Glen Falls, New York was always quick to defend the United States’ honor as a fan favorite in Bill Watts’ Mid-South/UWF, but it wasn’t until he became the 2×4-swinging, flag-waving hero in the WWF that Duggan became synonymous with American patriotism. To this day, right after the fans finish chanting “Hooooooooo” they quickly break out into a “USA! USA!” chant. From battling The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff in the late ’80s to trying to fend off the onslaught of Yokozuna and battling Lance Storm’s Team Canada in WCW, Duggan will always be known as one of wrestling’s greatest supporters of the USA tough guy!
This was a tough decision between The Hulkster and Hacksaw, but in the end I had to lean to the “Immortal” one. Of the top three most distinguishing elements of Hogan, one easily has to be his signature theme “Real American.” Try not to get it caught in your head now.
Hulkamania was built on Hogan being “American Made.” In battling foreign stars like The Iron Shiek, Nikolai Volkoff, Killer Khan, and Kamala, Hogan proudly wore his red, white, and blue heart on his sleeve as he frequently came to ringside waving an American flag. During a WWE comeback in the early 2000s where he found himself suspended, Hogan borrowed a page from Dusty Rhodes’ Midnight Rider and put on a mask and dubbed himself “Mr. America.” So there you have it, what do you think? Agree/disagree with the list? Time for your take!