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Ebay Frenzy- Custom Marvel Legends, Rocketeer, Grimlock, Naked Ghostbusters, and Target?

There’s not a lot going on this Sunday, even on Ebay. But I did find a few things to look at, even a few things to spend my money on. And a few things that I didn’t even know existed.

Customs are always high on my Ebay search, if for no other reason than to say “Oooo, I want to make one of those some day, brilliant recipe!” Here’s a couple of Marvel Legends Gambits that are fantastic. One in his traditional uniform and another in the Xavier School colors.

Joshua Izzo and I were talking about the AIM Soldier being a great base for a custom Rocketeer a few months ago, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t work great judging by thor333’s awesome Rocketeer.

Somewhere out there, in someone’s pile of discarded figures, there is a naked Ghostbusters Winston, Egon, and Ray. And for some reason that disturbs me.

Me Grimlock, and these customs of Grimlock are king!

FOC Grimlock Repaint:

I’m a sucker for cartoon colors so this Masterpiece Grimlock just became my holy grail. And he even has a small Thrust to chew on.

Speaking of Transformers, Masterpiece Soundblaster just dropped with Ratbat. While we wait for the eventual KO version of Ratbat this third party one isn’t too bad. Ravage…I’m not so sure about.

transformers G1 SIZED RATBAT RAVAGE soundwave Cassettes


Still more Transformers? Come on Robo, just because you fell down the TF Masterpiece rabbit hole doesn’t mean everyone did. But these transforming Lego Transformers are just too cool. Sure, you’re just buying the instructions and parts list and there are no pictures of them actually transformed, but how cool are 10 inch Lego versions of Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Soundwave?

Anyone want a custom bolo whip for their Thundercats Tygra cosplay? This is one of those “hang on the wall with other cool weapons” kind of thing I’d like to do someday.

Get yer cheap Marvel Select variant Gambit here!

marvel select gambitHere’s a pretty slick way to make a cheap flight stand. I think it’s a coat hanger bent into shape.

We need 6 inch scale version of this 1:6 scale Skeleton Soldier!

Am I the last person on Earth to know that Target has an Ebay store? And they stock it with new toys as well as old? Even things they don’t carry in store?

Here’s Marvel Select Juggernaut and Anti-Venom for retail price.

Even DC Collectibles, even if it is only the New 52 Trinity War pack.

DC Collectibles DC Comics The New 52 Trinity War Action Figure Playset


But the reason I found out about it was someone posted on the forums that they had Legends Infinite Black Widow for $19.99, so Target is on my saved search list now. She’s long gone but Captain Rogers and Winter Soldier are still available. And the Spider-Man Legends Infinite like Superior Spider-Man but none of the harder to find ones. Le sigh.

And they have the best figure ever created, Batman Unlimited Planet X Batman with Batmite!

Finally, here’s another oddball you’ll find when you search “Masters Universe Classics”:

Mötley Crüe Classics The Universal Masters Collection

Rock on, He-Man. Actually, this is kind of fitting…