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From Our Sponsors – Dorkside Toys 2/23/14

Dorkside Toys is keeping everything current with the latest pre-orders and new releases. Check it out!

Check out all that’s in stock, and available for pre-order at We have Walking Dead, Funko, Marvel, Star Wars, GI JOE & more… Plus you can win a set of the three new Black Series figures,  see some cool Walking Dead, and get your collector on with GI JOE AFA figures.
  • Spend $99 USD in store shipping is FREE! (USA domestic customers only). 
  • Same day shipping (Order before 1pm Central) and 
  • Super saving flat rate shipping from $5.99.

Wow. Just wow. This latest wave is just an excellent turn out for the range and with incredibly good likenesses, articulation and paint work. You gotta check these out. Merle Zombie is rocking! Plus, we have a huge range of charcaters, comic packs, and tons of brand new super deformed awesome Walking Dead Funko figures.

The Walking Dead TV Series Series 5 Set of 5 Check out our full Walking Dead section now.

SHOP GI JOE @DorksideToys NOW

Lots of new GI JOE FSS 2.0 figures in stock, ungraded and ranges of AFA grading. These look fabulous on card and are highly limited so don’t miss out. Plus lots of great GI JOE Retaliation, GI JOE’s Kre-o’s and more.

Check out all our excellent GI JOE figures.

New Marvel Legends Captain America & Spider-man waves plus Marvel Infinite Avengers are up for pre-order, as well as new cool and funky Marvel Minis. Don’t forget our free and low cost flat rate shipping deals on select Marvel waves too. Pick up waves and NEVER miss those hard to find figures…


We have Star Wars vehicles, Black Series 3.75 & 6 inch ,Jumbo Kenner, saga legends and more. Yes, even Mara Jade! The Black Series Six inch Wave 3 are due to arrive any day so for those that haven’t yet, be quick and pre-order.

Want to Win the Wave Three Black Series? Find out how!


Check out DC collectibles starting from only $5 plus Arkham City, Asylum & retro cool Batman 1966 carded or loose heroes & villains.  If you missed out on Harley, your missing out on amazing figure. ‘Puddin’.

Shop DC Collectibles & Batman now.

Assassins Creed just get better and lots of crazy details. Watch a review to see what we mean…  Golden Age Of Piracy pack and more are still available. Most figures from the game come with unlock-able in game content too.

Classic retro TMNT figures in stock and up for pre-order, plus those modern awesome Playmates Turtles and villains. Check them out.

Shop TMNT Now!

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If your able to attend June 21st, make sure you check out for what promises to be a great event at JediCon WVDorksidetoys is proud to be donating.
Team Dorkside