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Fwoosh Happy Hour- Funko ReAction, NECA Planet of the Apes, and Mattycollector Updates!

Can you feel it? Toy Fair is upon us! Go much excitement, I don’t know how I’ll contain myself. We’re going to be trying to get all the info and pics to you as soon as possible from our men at the show, VeeBee and Hagop. So keep an eye on the front page and hopefully you’ll find something you like. Or don’t like. Maybe something you like to not like. We are a fickle lot. Come forth into the Hour that hath been called Happy at times!

Entertainment Earth was kind enough to supply us with pics of more Funko ReAction figures!

3 and 3/4 hasn’t been my thing in a long long time but I’m a huge enough Firefly fan to get the crew in this scale and then the Legacy scale later on. And even I have to admit the Universal monsters and Horror figures look good. And then there is the Crow. I have an overwhelming compulsion to buy everything Crow related so yeah, that’s getting bought too. And probably Jules and Vincent. Gah!

Not so hot on the Back to the Future and Goonies, but this is one of those times where I fall into actor likeness territory. With the ones I listed as wanting, it’s the characters I love so a passing resemblance is okay in my book. But with BTTF and Goonies for some reason I want them to look like the actors. A case by case basis to be sure.

My eye is drawn to the accessories too. Such great little sculpts perfectly fitting to each character. I mean, Wash comes with the plastic dinosaurs! So nifty.

You can preorder and see the whole collection so far at Entertainment Earth.

NECA and MTV teamed up to bring an exclusive look at the upcoming Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Koba!

dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes-koba-necaYes. Yes yes yes! I predict I will be buying multiples of each character from this line.

Check out MTV for the full scoop.

Toy Guru posted a new video update for MattyCollector with Toy Fair and DC info!

First of all, awesome, a new Masters of the Universe mini-sub! While I personally passed on the sub this year I’ve been keeping up with figures that I want in my own personal collection. Which is straight up vintage re-issues of just characters pertaining to He-Man and Skeletor’s groups. Yup, no Horde or PoP or NA or off-shoots. And really, it comes down to what I really really want. I have other lines to buy and it came down to money issues. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to at least see characters that I don’t personally want getting made. That just means I get eye candy while saving money! But maybe the mini-sub will be something that draws me in.

Now a small rant, if you’ll allow me to veer off a bit. The DC update. Aquaman in March and the concerns of fans pertaining to the DC figures being available during Early Access. Scott, the issue isn’t that you are making them available to general public after Early Access, the worry is that some club members with Early Access will cause a sell out before they are available and then mark them up to sell on the secondary market. While I’m personally not worried about it I can see where it could be a worry to some. And you even mention this during the video!

“They’re still available regular Day Of, y’know, pending they don’t sell out during Early Access.”

THAT’S THE ISSUE! There was no miscommunication or misunderstanding. Well, at least on this side of the fence. No one thought they would be exclusive to Early Access. Well, y’know, pending they don’t sell out. Then they would be exclusive.

And yeah, there’s a light blue Superman there in the background. Is that the “Hey, thanks for subbing” apology figure that was hinted at? Hmmm.

And then there’s this…

52fe912a18974USAToday nabbed the reveal for a Guardians of the Galaxy Lego set. Look at Ronan, so cute. But check out Starlord in his face mask. That’s right, I will not waver in my campaign to see Peter Quill in his face mask in 6 inch figure form. I’m hoping for interchangeable heads on the Marvel Legends Infinite figure I posted about last night.

Finita la Happy Hour.