Yeah this is the picture that was in my news feed this morning. Thank you, I think I’ll go vomit again. As my esteemed colleague mentioned during his Happy Hour last night it’s been a slow news week for toys, the pre-Toy Fair radio silence creep is coming in. Remember the days when we would be scouring the 5 toy news sites and forums for leaks and up to date press info? Not happening. I did get in a very expenseive (damn you import fees) box from BigBadToyStore yesterday! Figma Link, Marvel Legends Infinite Cap and Spidey cases, and my son’s FansProject Diesel (which he assembled with a joy that only comes from childhood).
A little about the picture above, there are some people out there doing cosplay of Silent Hill monsters. These are trickling into my news feeds more regularly and well… they need to stop. No seriously, there are some people doing some incredible work out there. Head over to for the full article!
Over on the Fwoosh forums in the S.H. Figuarts thread there was mention of the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers being available on I’ll be presenting some reviews, from a new contributor, of the Red Ranger an White Ranger in the near future. Until then check out these listings today!
Finally, Four Horsemen Studios posted the card backing for the upcoming Power Lords figures. Man these look fantastic, I hope one day that we get a fully articulated (ab-joint, ball hips) six inch version of Adam! That would be classic. Head over to Power Lords Return for the full article.