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Fwoosh Happy Hour- Original X-men Boxset? Spider-Girl Carded? Marvel Star Wars? Unmasked Keaton Batman?

Or rather, the not so new news weekend edition! The end of the week was crazy on all sides so we missed deadlines, so we’re throwing it all in a deluxe Sunday Happy Hour. And in the middle of the day! Insane, right? Up is down, down is up, all kinds of stuff flying in from all sides that confuses the brain pan. Mass hysteria! Thrills, chills, and surprises! Why do I feel like a carny? What’s with all the question marks? And exclamation points! Find out more behind the curtain! Buckle up, it’s Happy Hour! Wait, buckle up?

The biggest toy news this weekend, while potentially being the biggest let-down since Professor X in hover chair, is the mysterious Original X-men Boxset picture.

Original X-men Boxset?This picture appeared on 4chan with the caption “SDCC 2014” and nothing else. What does it mean? Why do people who leak information want to be so cryptic about it, thus causing doubt within the masses? You’re spilling beans, you might as well dump out the whole bean pot! But it does make for good conversation. Fwooshers have already picked over every pixel with a fine toothed pointer and we’ve all come to the same conclusion.

Who knows what this is but we’re excited about it.

LOLZ, kidding, Fwooshers don’t all come to the same conclusions! What is this, a love-in? You’re reading the wrong site, hippie!

To my eyes and crappy monitor, it looks like Cyclops and Angel are on the Bucky Cap body, Jean is an Elektra, Beast is utilizing Hyperion, and Iceman is using either a Klaw or Superior Spidey base. Now, take the line I just wrote and read it aloud to your significant other and wait for the lovin’ to come a’rushin.

Anyway, this could be a custom, right? The red background behind the plastic tray seems kind of plain for a Hasbro SDCC exclusive. And when did Marvel have to start putting “Marvel’s” in front of Cyclops, Beast, and Angel? Did Percy Jackson, Beauty, and Buffy sue for trademark infringement? Do we need to differentiate to that kind of level? I’m no lawyer. We at Fwoosh can’t say if this is a real deal or not, we have no idea, but if it is a custom, it’s extremely elaborate and really well done. We’ll have more info for you as soon as it is revealed and posted on other sites and talked about extensively on the forums before we find it and decide to put it in a Happy Hour. secured a promo pic and carded shot of the Spider-Man Legends Infinite Skyline Sirens swap figure, Spider-Girl! Say that seven times fast!

I don’t know a lot about this new Spider-Girl, only that she used to be Araña. But she looks like a great figure, she’s my favorite color scheme of black and white, and she’s a new, never before done character for my shelf. Plus she’s supposedly on a fodderific female teen sized body. So bring her on!

UPDATE! Thanks to Jay over at TNI for pointing out that the pictures of both Spider-Girl and Boomerang came from the K-Mart site. Why didn’t I think of that? That’s where we saw the initial carded pics of both Spider-Man and Captain America Legends Infinite, included the second wave of Cap. So here ya go, here’s Boomerang!

In a surprise that everyone should have and probably guessed, it was announced that all comics for Star Wars is going back to Marvel!

Star Wars Back To Marvel?There was some real gems and a lot of good in the 20+ year Dark Horse run but this seemed inevitable with Disney owning both Marvel and Star Wars. Outlander has to be one of my favorite Expanded Universe stories and I’ve been enjoying the current Star Wars run that is set between Episodes IV and V. Alas…


The Walt Disney Company’s Lucasfilm Ltd. and Marvel Entertainment are joining forces to bring new Star Wars adventures to readers across the galaxy, with Marvel granted exclusive rights to create and publish Star Wars comics and graphic novels beginning in 2015.

The agreement marks a homecoming for the Star Wars comic books. Marvel Comics published the first Star Wars comic book, STAR WARS #1, in March 1977, which went on to sell more than 1 million copies. Marvel Comics published its STAR WARS series for nine years. In 1991, Dark Horse Comics took over the license, publishing fan-favorite titles like Dark Empire and Star Wars: Legacy. Last year, Dark Horse released The Star Wars #1, an adaptation of George Lucas’ original rough-draft screenplay for the film, garnering rave reviews and national media attention and ranking among the top-selling Star Wars comics of all time.

“Dark Horse Comics published exceptional Star Wars comics for over 20 years, and we will always be grateful for their enormous contributions to the mythos, and the terrific partnership that we had,” said Carol Roeder, director of Lucasfilm franchise publishing, Disney Publishing Worldwide. “In 2015, the cosmic adventures of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca will make the lightspeed jump back to Marvel, to begin a new age of adventures within the Star Wars universe.

“We here at Marvel could not be more excited to continue the publication of Star Wars comic books and graphic novels,” said Marvel Worldwide Publisher and President, Dan Buckley. “The perennial brand of Star Wars is one of the most iconic in entertainment history and we are honored to have the opportunity to bring our creative talent pool to continue, and expand Star Wars into galaxies far, far away.”

“We’re incredibly excited by this next chapter in the Star Wars saga,” said Andrew B. Sugerman, executive vice president of Disney Publishing Worldwide. “Bringing together the iconic Lucasfilm and Marvel brands to tell new stories will allow us to continue to thrill lovers of the original Star Wars comic books and entertain generations to come.”

While I have fond memories of the Dark Horse run, there are also some fleeting snippits that I remember from the original Marvel run. Tobbi Dala, an awesome cover with a base type thing hidden within a skeleton, Fenn Shysha. I say snippits because I was but a child when I had those comics and have never revisited them. But maybe this guy can make a triumphant return!

JAXXON!?Jaxxon! Can you say “Six inch Black Series?”

Finally, NECA tweeted an image that kind of caught us, or at least me, off guard.

Unmasked Keaton Batman?


Who knew there was a full Keaton headsculpt under the cowl of the quarter scale Batman figure? Not this guy. But that’s an awesome little surprise even though I’ve read you have to cut into the cowl to get it off his head. Seems a bit extreme to take an exacto to a $90 figure to see what he looks like behind the mask, but if you are so inclined, I say go for it. Now we need a quarter inch scale unmasked Catwoman with crazy person hair and a Max Shreck. has the Captain America Legends Infinite series in stock for $14.99 right now!

Is it weird that TRU is the first big box store to get these online? I can’t remember the last time that happened. And at a price that matches all the other stores. I feel like putting a heavy coat on my Marvel Select Mephisto.

And then there’s this…

CharleneskidsA Transformers happy ending to a deluxe Happy Hour! It’s over!