What a week for toys. We’ve seen quite a few pics from Ebay, some info from actual companies, and just a lot of stuff to be giddy about. Moving into the weekend, be prepared for more random ramblings. It can’t be helped. But man, a lot is going on. Feels like it’s almost too fast. Who am I kidding? Action figures can never come out too fast! Belly up, it’s Happy Hour!
K-mart.com slipped in some listings for Captain America Legends Infinite Series 2, which includes movie versions of Black Widow, Winter Soldier, and Captain America. To make it even sweeter they reveal a lot of things we didn’t know. Check them out:
Holy extra heads and hands! This is the kind of thing we should see when there is a price increase. Plus it only helps Hasbro, they can sell more units to the people who want both display options and will buy two of each. It’s win-win Hasbro! Keep it up!
It’s awesome that Black Widow comes with the Avengers head option. Finally we can finish that movie Avengers display. Well, except for Mark 7 Iron Man. Or an Iron Man in a decent size. I’d like to replace the Mark 42 I have placeholding. And if you don’t need both versions of Natasha you can always throw a little paint at the long haired head and use it for Songbird.
You’re welcome.
Eagle-eyed Fwooshers have noticed that the holstered guns may be perma-sculpted in place. I’m okay with that, I have plenty of guns she can use.
Captain America comes with an extra head too, but it doesn’t really look like Evans. That’s cool, I’m hoping I can replace the huge head on the comic Steve Rogers figure. And then use the head from that on some seven inch scale figure. It’s like an orange on a toothpick! This figure though, I’m loving the costume used and this figure does a great job of capturing it. What’s weird is I didn’t care much for it in the comics.
Winter Soldier looks a bit different from what we saw at SDCC, and it has to do with the paint scheme.
A lot more brown on the final figure. Now admittedly the prototype had some brown highlights to the shirt, but man the factory went crazy with it. Still not a deal breaker for me. Call me easy to please (and you should know that I am by now) but a little paint and we are good to go.
Again the surprise here is the alternate head. It looks like Bucky has kind of a eye make-up smear job to sort of represent the comic mask. Like Green Arrow on Arrow, or Jack Monroe Nomad when he lost his sunglasses. Yeah, I went there. How awesome would he be in figure form? To bring it all back around, Monroe was killed by which character? That’s right, Winter Soldier. Triple score for Robo. Anyway, I’m not sure if we know if this is movie accurate or not but it is interesting. Either way, another head for the fodder box or a second Winter Soldier. Repaint to a modern Gambit?
You can check out the listings on K-mart’s site.
Black Widow
Winter Soldier
Captain America
Mattycollector sent out an email to subscribers containing the bio for Masters of the Universe Hydron!
Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies.
Keep an eye on the Fwoosh main page, you might see a certain VeeBee-esque individual post some kind of First Look featuring Hydron in the near future!
Did you catch the extended German version of the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2? If you didn’t, here it is:
Superherohype is reporting that movies for both Venom and the Sinister Six have been greenlighted. What that means at this point besides featuring Venom and the Sinister Six is anyone’s guess. Will they feature Spider-Man? They have to, right? Part of me thinks it’s a bold move to make movies featuring villains. But that’s the Secret Six part of my heart talking. A bold move, but will it be a good one?
You thought I was going to talk about Spider-Man Legends Infinite figures again, didn’t you? I’ll give a few days to recuperate. It feels like I already own them, as many pictures we’ve seen. Crazy.
And then there’s this…
How is it that I want a “figure” of this guy? For those of you who don’t know, he’s Master Order. He hangs around the Marvel Universe. And he’s a giant floating head. Most of the time he runs with this guy, Lord Chaos:
He’s also a giant floating head. But this one I can see. He’s unique, an interesting shape, would have a cool star field paint job. Master Order? A head. Generic, bland, bald, and not a lot of color. And I would buy him and Lord Chaos in a heartbeat. I’d even take them as wall hangings. Flat on the back with a hole for a pin or nail, about the size of an actual human face. Someone should sculpt up a set of these and cast them out. Money in the bank, baby!
Happy Hour’s over!