While we await the arrival of Joe’s Hover Disks, he let us know that there is an update to them, and it pretty awesome. Joe is teaming with He-Mike to create Hover Chariots that can be used with the disks! Check out the update from Joe below and see pictures of Hover Disks themselves.
via Joe Amaro:
Hover Disc – Phase 2
While we wait for the Hover Discs to come in let me tell you about Phase 2. It all started when He-Mike and I started talking about custom vehicles. As we shared ideas we realized that we were both thinking in the same direction so we decided to team up!
After some brain storming we decided to build upon what I had already started, the Hover Disc. So the idea became to design and develop a booster pack for the Hover Disc. This booster pack would allow you to make a Hover Chariot!
The Hover Chariot would be fully customizable, with the main feature being the front shield. We would offer several different shields so you change themes, if you wanted to use it for you MOTUC figures, Star Wars Black figures or any 6″ – 7″ figure you could!
Below are the latest designs we have, it is still a work in progress and we still have some engineering to do but at least you can see the idea. We hope to have them ready in 2014. We welcome any ideas and suggestions you may have.