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New Custom Tuesday – 11/19/13

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

Marvel Silver Age monsters - Rob W
Marvel Silver Age monsters – Rob W

This week’s featured customs are Rob W’s Marvel Monsters.  Rob is one of my custom heroes.  He takes on large projects of obscure and cool characters and executes them beautifully with real love for the source material.  I want to be Rob W when I grow up!

There is so much great sculpting, fabricating, fodder sourcing, and painting here that it’s really impossible to cover.  Fortunately for us, Rob details every step of the way in his custom thread.  It’s a great read with tons of WIP shots that would be helpful for anyone looking to make an unusually shaped custom figure.  Go check out his thread on our custom forums!

Fuerza-T Carnivor - mkULTRA
Fuerza-T Carnivor – mkULTRA

I am so pleased that mkULTRA did this Fuerza-T custom because I’m a big fan of the property.  Fuerza-T is an interesting line of sanctioned bootleg Masters of the Universe characters.  Basically, Mattel sold their MOTU molds to a foreign company that produced new characters by combining the different parts.  These characters often feel pretty close to real MOTU characters since repaints do factor into the line.  I really hope mkULTRA continues making these Fuerza-T customs in his clean style because this is one of the nicest Carnivors I’ve seen.

Last up for this week is a custom from me.  It’s not exactly new, but after a long hiatus, I have finally started updating my custom thread, beginning with this custom from a couple years back.  This guy was created based on a story written by fellow Fwoosher Ibentmyman-thing.

MOTUC Necromancer - Matthew K
MOTUC Necromancer – Matthew K

That’s it for New Custom Tuesday this week.  As always, please visit each customizer’s individual thread and let us know what you think of our work!