Fantastic Fwoosh sponsor, Dorkside Toys, has checked in with their latest update! Go check ’em out a buy somethin’, will ya?
via Dorkside Toys:
What’s in stock, available for pre-order, and on clearance at
One of the biggest differences you’ll notice if you’ve never shopped with us is that we offer a ‘loose’ figure alternative for most lines. You’ve told us in many cases some of you don’t care about packaging (particularly international customers) and just want loose figures shipped at lower postage costs.
Well our Star Wars products have plenty of loose (and carded) options. And with Star Wars figures starting at just over $4 and loose lower shipping costs, now is the time to get completing your collection. We also stock a wide range of vintage collection, and Star Wars Jumbo Gentle Giant which are also in stock, and up for pre-order.
Outrageous yellow spandex? Crazy sharp claws? Yep Wolverine Marvel Legends (and friends) are here. We also have Iron Man 3, Marvel Universe & Marvel Select figures. Just about every major superhero is here. Find out more in our Marvel section…
We have great carded GI JOE’s starting from a little over $4. And don’t let the basic line name mislead you, these guys are still super articulated, come with a stand, and have lots of great weapons and gorgeous card backs. We have many other Joes also, so take a look and choose from Retaliation, FSS, Ultimates or Renegades figures…
The Walking Dead Series 3 kicked off and showed us that this franchise is somewhat ‘infectious’. We also got to hang out with The Walking Dead TV Stars and Stan Lee recently at Wizard World-Nashville Comic con. Clearly the show is even bigger than we thought so whilst stock is left, check out all the figures, comics, ten inch figures, vinyl collectibles and more…
Arkham Origins is days away and clearly having an impact on our stock, with lots of collectors taking advantage of the reissue of some older Arkham figures. The smart move would be to hop in the batmobile and check out our batman section kinda quickly as these guys will not last. Lots of 1960’s Batman carded figures and collectibles too, along with new 52 DC Super Heroes vs Super Villains figures. To the bat section!
Check out all our other sections now with in stock, and pre-order items.
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Team Dorkside
The Walking Dead…kinda put us off bacon.