We at the Fwoosh are very sad to have learned that Mr. Lou Scheimer, an animation legend and founder of Filmation studios, passed away on October 17, 2013.
Mr. Scheimer had a long and storied career in the entertainment industry where he was best known for his pioneering work as a producer in the world of animation. His Filmation Studios was responsible for many memorable animation programs and movies, most notably He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power.
If you are reading this, chances are that Mr. Schiemer played a large part in shaping many of your childhood (and beyond) memories through his personal works or those from his talented professional tree that includes the likes of Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. As a pioneer, he lead the way for “first run” syndication with Masters, and ensured that Filmation Studios was able to keep animation jobs in the United States long after many studios had moved work over seas.
On a personal note, Mr. Scheimer’s works were an indescribably important part of my personal childhood and watching He-Man with my brother and all of our Masters toys is among one of my fondest memories. I find many of his works universal and timeless and I look forward to passing along these shows and stories to the next generation as I enjoy them with my daughter.
I was also fortunate enough to be present for the presentation of Mr. Scheimer’s Inkpot award at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con and getting the opportunity to meet him a few years earlier. You never forget when you have the opportunity to meet one of your heroes. If you have a story or anecdote to share, please post in the comments below.
So, our hearts and minds are with his daughter Erika, son Lane and all of his family. Mr. Sheimer’s mark on this world is legendary and we are very fortunate to be able to enjoy his work for all time.
Thank you for everything, Mr. Scheimer. You will be greatly missed, and rest in peace.