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New Custom Tuesday – 10/1/13

Chewie Headline

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!This week’s featured customs are pulpy fiction’s Empire: 6-inch scaled Star Wars action figures.

A New Hope - pulpy fiction
A New Hope – pulpy fiction

While the rest of us were wishing for 6-inch scaled Legends-style Star Wars figures, pulpy fiction was building his own.

Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) - pulpy fiction
Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) – pulpy fiction
Han Solo - pulpy fiction
Han Solo – pulpy fiction
Boba Fett - pulpy fiction
Boba Fett – pulpy fiction
Chewbacca - pulpy fiction
Chewbacca – pulpy fiction

Han, Luke, and Boba-Fett all feature some really creative fodder finds and cool accessories, but my favorite by far is Chewbacca.  The massive ape arms used here change up his profile in an interesting way.  Check out tons more pics and really interesting write-ups on these figures by clicking one of the above pics for a link to pulpy fiction’s thread in our custom galleries.

Next up is an interesting repaint of a Lady Death figure by sixinchbabes:

Lady Death - La Muerte - SixInchBabes
Lady Death – La Muerte – SixInchBabes

The detail on that sugar skull paint job is nicely detailed and makes me want to try my hand at a face paint job like that.  1987olds442 created another Red Hood figure, but this time he used the Young Justice Bats figure as a base, which adds some cool detail that fits with the animated “Under the Hood” version of the character.

Red Hood (Jason Todd) - 1987olds442
Red Hood (Jason Todd) – 1987olds442
Constrictor - 1987olds442
Constrictor – 1987olds442

Grownnerd created a trio of Marvel Comics characters on DCUC bodies:

Vision - GrownNerd
Vision – GrownNerd
Magneto - GrownNerd
Magneto – GrownNerd
Captain Marvel - GrownNerd
Captain Marvel – GrownNerd

I love all of these because the DCUC body looks to me like a 3D representation of more classic comic-art styles that you saw back in the ’70s from guys like Byrne and Buscema.  Magneto works especially well and looks really unique with the wrestler lover body.

Rabid Ewok took on MORT The Ten Eyed Man to great effect:

Ten-Eyed Man - Rabid_Ewok
Ten-Eyed Man – Rabid_Ewok

Finally, this week mkULTRA returns with another cool MOTUC repaint that I could actually see in the vintage line.  This guy looks like Stratos’ evil counterpart to me.


Tropos - mkULTRA
Tropos – mkULTRA

As always, please click on one of the above pics for a link to each customizer’s gallery in our forums and let these guys know what you think of their work!