Last week we brought you a First Look at the Masters of the Universe Classics Teela figure scheduled to hit Matty Collector on October 15th. Well Masters fans, she won’t be alone. That’s right, for the first time (con figures not withstanding) in the line we are getting a Bonus figure this month in addition to our beloved Warrior Goddess and it comes in the form of Zodak. What’s that you say? Zodak was already released back in May? No, no, no, see that was Zodac, with a C. He’s the Cosmic Enforcer from the original line. This figure is Zodak with a K, the Mystic Enforcer introduced in the 200x canon and bane of Snake Men everywhere. Well, with MOTUC combining all of the areas of the Masters mythos Zodak here is ready to hang out with all of your classic Classics figures.
After turning off the lights to go to bed last night I discovered that Zodak’s tattoos do, in fact, glow in the dark! It is much more subtle than the glow effect on Scareglow but it is definitely there. A cool little touch on the part of Mattel!
As you know, we have been getting one figure per month for almost a year now and we have amassed a great start to a collection. But Matty is not resting on his laurels and is determined to get us even more figures as quickly as possible – hence the Bonus figure plan. So far for this we have seen Zodak here, along with the December-shipping Goddess, January’s Battle Armor He-Man and then the big one in February, Battle Cat. I am the type of guy that will take as much as I can get so I am excited about building up my collection faster, so let’s take a look a Zodak.

While this version kind of replaced the classic (And mysterious) Zodac from the vintage line, Mattel has gone back and included both of them in canon and they now share a close history as Enforcers in the galaxy (as you can see from his bio). I am glad that they are doing this as I am very much a classic-head, but I really did like the characterization of Zodak in the 200x cartoon.
The figure itself is 100% re-use in a kitbash of previously released figures (save for his staff). He is mostly the heroic He-Man body but with He-Ro’s shorts and boots, Hordak’s gloves and Zodac’s head and armor. Since Zodak was not shy about taking off his helmet in the 200x, and the original Zodak’s figure actually featured a removable helmet, I kind of wish they would have done the same thing here, but I can understand how it might have been cost prohibitive.

I do like how they kept things fresh with different color and paint applications on the armor, boots and helmet, but as you can see, mine has a little slop, especially on the armor. I am happy to say that his tattoos are crispy clean though and they do look sharp, as I said, it these really help to make him stand out and give him a bit more uniqueness.

The staff has a great design as well and closely resembles Zodac’s gun, a nice touch.

Overall, I am very happy with this figure, he represents just what a bonus figure should be. He is a new, vital character to the MOTU legends and I am really keen on finding out more about the Enforcers, they have kind of have a Metron, Watcher, Guardians of the Galaxy thing going on.

I hope that Mattel continues the Bonus figure program with lots of figures like this one, he is great to get even if he is not the most exciting figure in the world… especially considering who came with him on his little trip to my doorstep. But that will be revealed soon enough.
If you are interested in picking up Zodak, be sure to be on at noon Eastern time on October 15th. That goes for your Club Eternia members as well, remember: he is NOT included in the subscription.
*Thanks for reading and, as always, thanks to Toy Guru and Matty for sending Zodak along for review!
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