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LEGO – Mini-figures Series 10


I have this thing that I do with my kids: when I go to the grocery store, I pick up eight mini-figures, or at least I try to — two for me, two for my wife, two my oldest and two for my youngest. I don’t do the fancy push on them or match the codes, I just grab eight. Then when the groceries are unpacked and put up, we sit down and open the figures. The joy and excitement of it all is amazing. And disappointing; there’s nothing worse then opening the same two blind bags of figures that you got last time. Aargh!

The concept from LEGO is fantastic, and this time around it was even better as there was a “Mr. Gold” special figure distributed throughout the world. I believe 5,000 were made, and I don’t think they’ve all been located, so there are still some out there. But not in this house. The LEGO gods have not been kind.

Series 10 consists of two of my favorite figures: Medusa (or Gorgon) and the chick in the bee costume. The chick in the bee costume is really well done; the costume looks great, and on top of that the colors really pop. And the pot of honey — I think I hear Pooh making his way over here now! Gorgons are cool with their snake like bodies and hair made of snakes. Gotta love them! Plus it gives LEGO Zena something to fight.

I don’t know if I have all the right accessories. While taking pictures, things fall off, or worse, get played with. I’ll be going through the series backwards over the next weeks and months, and I’ll try and get some pics of 11 up when we get around to them. Enjoy the galleries!

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