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Official Fwoosh Star Wars Six-Inch Black Series Top Ten Poll



These ARE the 6-inch figures you’ve been looking for!

With wave one of  Star Wars: The Black Series 6-inch figure line being  released at brick and mortar stores as well as online retailers, collecting Star Wars figures in a 6-inch form is officially underway.  As if that wasn’t enough to build the excitement, both waves two and three have also been revealed.  With all that excitement over how great wave one is, and how good the upcoming waves look , it’s definitely  time to give this line the official Fwoosh top-ten poll treatment.

We’ve done top-ten polls for Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics, G.I. Joe, and Masters of the Universe in the past, but now that Star Wars has jumped into the six-inch scale, now’s the time to tell Hasbro what we want in this brand-spanking-new line.  Let them know which characters we want to see figures of to help grow our collections from just a few figures to the point it will be  overflowing with Stormtroopers and Jedi!

So it’s time to let us know:

What are your ten most-wanted Star Wars 6-inch action figures?  Who are the ten characters that you want — no, make that need — to have for your collection to be complete?

Now here are the rules:

The Rules

1. Voting takes place in the comments section of this very article. Please place your vote list as a comment in the space provided below.

2. Only one vote per person. We do have ways to identify duplicate votes, so don’t try to vote under a different name. You may edit your vote as many times as you want, until the voting has closed.

3. You are voting for TEN characters you want to be made in the Star Wars 6-inch scale figure line.

4. Post your votes in the following format. This is absolutely critical:

Darth Vader

Admiral Ackbar

Lando Calrissian


Bib Fortuna

Mace Windu


Snow Trooper

Han Solo [Hoth Gear]


5. NO numbersYour votes must be spaced one name per line, not sentence format. We feed this into a computer program and it’s very important for those of us counting these up that it’s in this format. The order in which you list the characters is not important!

6. Check your spellingAs we said, we are feeding this into a computer program, and it’s important all characters have their names spelled correctly. It also helps if we all go by the same names. And make sure to be specific

7. As we all know, a lot of the Star Wars characters have worn many different outfits and have even been portrayed as different ages over the course of six films, cartoons, comics, etc.   They’ve even changed their looks multiple times during each film. So if you want a specific look be sure to use this format:

Han Solo [Hoth Gear]

Obi Wan Kenobi [ep. IV A new hope]

Just be sure that you list the character’s name first, and note the version in brackets, as shown . Make sure the costume or look you’re voting for can be worded simply. No big detailed costume descriptions please. Just a simple time period, film, or book.

9. Please avoid “talking” in the voting article commentsIdeally this area is for voting only. If you want to talk about the vote, please post in the vote discussion thread, listed below. The Vote Comments area is only for data collection, and should have nothing in there except votes.

10. No voting for the same character more than once. Don’t be that guys who tries to get your  most wanted character the win by using all ten spots for Jar Jar Binks for example. Any attempt at vote stacking will result in the entire entry being disallowed and ignored.

11. If you don’t follow the rules, your vote won’t be counted.

As a reference, the following characters have been confirmed by  Hasbro for waves two and thee of the Black Series 6 inch line:

  • Episode 3 (ROTS) Anikin Skywalker 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 3 (ROTS) Obi-Wan Kenobi 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 4 (ANH) Greedo 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 5 (ESB) Luke (Bespin) 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 6 (ROTJ)  Boba Fett 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 6 (ROTJ) Slave Leia 6-Inch Figure
  •  Episode 4 (ANH) Han Solo 6-Inch Figure
  • Episode 4 (ANH) Stormtrooper 6-Inch Figure

Now get out there and vote! Make your voices are heard and let Hasbro know what you want in the upcoming waves.


Voting ends Sunday, September 15th at 11:59 PM (23:59) EDT!

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