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New Custom Tuesday – 8/20/2013

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is 1987olds442’s Taskmaster!

Taskmaster - 1987olds442
Taskmaster – 1987olds442

We all customize for different reasons, so I thought it was interesting that 1987olds442 did this work as basic figure rehab on a fodder figure bought at a convention.

Taskmaster - 1987olds442
Taskmaster – 1987olds442

What I especially like here is how some seemingly minor changes really improves this figure. I love the character and design of Marvel’s Taskmaster, but the figure fell a little flat for me.  The more detailed skull and poseable hood go a long way toward making this figure as cool as a Taskmaster figure should be.

Taskmaster - 1987olds442
Taskmaster – 1987olds442

1987Olds442 also submitted a clean version of NECA’s Ash figure this week.  What I love about this one is that he’s modded it so he can swap older Ash head sculpts on there for different expressions and added Lone Ranger legs to give Ash better articulation.

Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams from Evil Dead - 1987olds442
Ashley ‘Ash’ J. Williams from Evil Dead – 1987olds442

Check out more pictures of these customs, and a wealth of other great custom work, at 1987olds442’s thread by clicking one of the above pics.

Up next is a cool DCUC-style Black Cat by cusT0M! Ahhh, Black Cat. One of those Legends figures so awful that she inspired legions of customizers to take a crack at her.

Black Cat - cusT0M
Black Cat – cusT0M

And finally Shinigami submitted two really detailed Indiana Jones Custom commissions.  It’s always great to see Indy customs, especially 6-inch scale ones.

Battle Damaged Indiana Jones - Shinigami_PL
Battle Damaged Indiana Jones – Shinigami_PL


Indiana Jones - Shinigami_PL
Indiana Jones – Shinigami_PL

That’s it for this week’s New Custom Tuesday!  Please check back next week for more custom goodness.