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New Custom Tuesday – 6/11/13

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator-submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

Marvel Select Hulkbuster Iron Man – RedRebelCustoms

This week’s featured custom is RedRebelCustoms’ Marvel Select Hulkbuster Iron Man.  The thing that popped immediately about this custom to me is the beautiful shining cherry-red paint job, but a closer examination reveals some astoundingly smooth and professional sculpting.

Hulkbuster - RedRebelCustoms
Hulkbuster – RedRebelCustoms

See, this Hulkbuster is built on a Marvel Select Juggernaut chassis, and a ton of sculpting was necessary for this transformation.

Hulkbuster - RedRebelCustoms
Hulkbuster – RedRebelCustoms

This WIP shot shows off all the great sculpt work.  Check out RedRebelCustoms’ thread for tons more Marvel customs by clicking one of the above pictures.  That’s all for this week’s New Custom Tuesday.  If you would like your customs featured next week, please submit your customs at the thread here.