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Action Figure Spotlight – Figma Drossel

figma-005-copyYou may have noticed, but we here at love action figures.  Action Figure Spotlight is where we share thoughts and pics of our latest  action figure acquisitions.

Read on for more on this week’s featured figure, Max Factory’s Figma Drossel.

Now if the words ‘Max Factory’s Figma Drossel’ sounds like a bunch of gobbeddlygook to you, let me give you a little background info.  Max Factory is the manufacturer, Figma is the brand name of  Max Factory’s style of super-articulated action figures, and Drossel is this character’s name.


Drossel Von Flugel is the main character from a series of CGI anime shorts titled ‘Fireball’.  When I say shorts, I mean it.  Each episode is less than two minutes and though they are a little bit odd, I enjoyed the quirky sense of humor.  The films are available online at the usual places, so if you are curious, go check em out.  At thirteen episodes, you can see them all in under a half an hour.    I bought the figure before ever seeing the show,though, just based on the design alone.  It just looked like a neat robot toy.


One of the main selling points of these figures for me is the articulation.


Think of the most poseable Marvel Legends figures you have and you can get an idea of the range of motion you get from a figma.  Even though she has single knees and elbows, they are designed in such a way that you almost have the same range of motion you would see from a double elbow.

I also really like the rocker ankle design they use.  The ankle is hinged and there is swivel peg that inserts diagonally into the foot.  If you got any of the street fighter revolution figures, it’s  a little similar to that.   It allows for a nice natural range of side to side movement and good stability in posing.

Another cool factor for the figma line in general and Drossel in particular is the sheer amount of accessories packed in with each character.


Drossel comes with four sets of extra hands, two additional headsets, a book and a flight stand.  The accessories all pop in and out smoothly and feel sturdy even though they are pretty small.  A cool thing about figma figures in general is that they come with a holder for the extra hands and even a little plastic storage bag for all the extra parts.  This reminded me a lot of the fun of the SOTA street fighter figure accessories.


The flightstand is also really nice.  It’s multi-segmented and each piece has a metal washer and screw assembly to ensure that the stand will hold it’s pose.


Overall, it’s a neat little figure with a eye catching design and lots of poseing variety.  Even if you don’t care about the character a whit, I’d reccommend this figure to any fan of the ‘art’ of super articulated toys.  It is a little pricey to come by these figures, though.  I think I paid $30 plus shipping off of ebay to get this one.  Other figmas go for less, though.

I’d like to thank all the fwooshers posting info in the Figma thread on the for turning me on to these figures.  Check out some more pics below!