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New Customs Tuesdays – 5/21/13

A.I.M. Soldiers - Calbretto
A.I.M. Soldiers – Calbretto

New Customs Tuesdays is a user-submitted roundup of all the new customs of the week.  This feature went on hiatus for a while, so we are catching up with some older customs submitted in the interim.  These may be older customs, but they could be new to you and they are all really great.

A.I.M. Soldiers - Calbretto
A.I.M. Soldiers – Calbretto

I love army builders and the A.I.M. soldier is right after Hydra soldiers on my most-wanted Marvel Universe army builder.  Calbretto did a great job sourcing some affordable fodder and made these figures uniform, but with enough variation to make them look good in a group.

A.I.M. Soldiers - Calbretto
A.I.M. Soldiers – Calbretto

My heart goes out to the man for having to paint all that yellow.  Army building is really the endurance test of customizing when you think about it.  He made it easier on himself with a mostly yellow base figure, but that color is a pain to get good coverage on.  Check out more pics of Calbretto’s A.I.M. scientists and tons of other cool Marvel Legends style customs at his thread by clicking one of the above pics!

Below are the rest of this week’s customs!  Click the pic below for a link to each customizer’s individual gallery and let them know what you think.

FictionCustoms- Hiro Nakamura
FictionCustoms- Hiro Nakamura
Usagi Yojimbo - Superman aka jon
Usagi Yojimbo – Superman aka jon
Akantha Kulkulkan-Zotz-DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316
Akantha Kulkulkan-Zotz-DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316
IstAppearance Cyclops - StrangePlanet
IstAppearance Cyclops – StrangePlanet
Ghostbusters Containment Unit with Lights and Sounds - John Harmon
Ghostbusters Containment Unit with Lights and Sounds – John Harmon
Tala - Wakko
Tala – Wakko
Classic Loki - Dormammu
Classic Loki – Dormammu
AC Concept Talia Al Ghul - Muthasucka
AC Concept Talia Al Ghul – Muthasucka
S.L.U.G. Zombies Mr. Jangles- SalemCrow
S.L.U.G. Zombies Mr. Jangles- SalemCrow
Snake Eyes- Lestat
Snake Eyes- Lestat
Agent Abigail Brand - Cabretto
Agent Abigail Brand – Cabretto
DCUC Tim Drake Robin - BigGuido
DCUC Tim Drake Robin – BigGuido
Black Widow - cusT0M
Black Widow – cusT0M
Batman - First Appearance - BigGuido
Batman – First Appearance – BigGuido


Raphael (TMNT) Eric Talbot rendition - Fugazi
Raphael (TMNT) Eric Talbot rendition – Fugazi
The Thing Super-Articulated - RedRebelCustoms
The Thing Super-Articulated – RedRebelCustoms
Custom Dungeon Diorama - Salem Crow
Custom Dungeon Diorama – Salem Crow
CONAN custom batista-davenavarro
CONAN custom batista-davenavarro
Cesar Romero Joker - john Harmon
Cesar Romero Joker – john Harmon
Captain Canuck - AstroJoe62
Captain Canuck – AstroJoe62
New Madame Web (Julia Carpenter) - glennwebman69
New Madame Web (Julia Carpenter) – glennwebman69
Apocalypse- Black_Arachnis
Apocalypse- Black_Arachnis
Ra's Al Ghul - John Harmon
Ra’s Al Ghul – John Harmon
Peter Parker - glennwebman69
Peter Parker – glennwebman69
Red Wolf - glennwebman69
Red Wolf – glennwebman69
RedRebelCustoms-Thundercats Turmagar Re-Imagined
RedRebelCustoms-Thundercats Turmagar Re-Imagined
Ole Jade Jaw- Jack Kirby Hulk
Ole Jade Jaw- Jack Kirby Hulk
ZODIAC - glennwebman69
ZODIAC – glennwebman69

That’s it for New Custom Tuesday this week!  We are back on a regular schedule, so please be sure to submit your customs on our thread in the custom forum.