This was reported over at the 3A forums that Bandai and Threezero are teaming up to make 1/12 robots and pilots. Fwoosh’s very own Wraith1701 broke the news on the Fwoosh forums and my brain exploded. Let me explain:
I’ve always wanted 1/12 scale Gundam/Votoms toys. And, amazingly enough, both those toys were made. Bandai actually made a 1/12 RX78 and Zaku, and Yamato made a series of 1/12 Votoms. Now, as much as I wanted these, I never actually bought them. Like an idiot, I had the chance, time, money, and space, and yet… it never happened.
Which is ok. The Gundams were ok for the time, but nothing that really grabbed me. The Votoms were another story and at some point and time I might get one or two. But I really want a Gundam.
Threezero is Kim Fu Wong, one of the founders of ThreeA Toys. I don’t think I need to explain ThreeA Toys as we give them enough love on the zine these days. Wong has been a leader in 1/6 designer toys since the early 2000s and has worked with just anyone and everyone in the designer toy movement.
Bandai, well, Bandai is the king of giant robot toys and models. I don’t even know how to explain or describe my love for them, from the Gundam universes to Aura Battler Dunbine to Dragonar to L Gaim to Layzner, and I could go on. These guys are the kings of robots.
Making this all the sweeter is the robot designs are from Kunio Okawara. Now. I just mentioned Gundam — this is the guy that designed the original Gundams. And Layzner. And Dougram. And Votoms. And.. and… just about every one of my favorite robots from my childhood.
Brain exploding.
When I saw the pictures today I immediately thought Gundam F90 – and F91. The influences are there.
At this time there is no press release, only links and pictures being posted on the web. I will make you this promise: if this is real, if this happens, I will quit every toy line and invest in only these robots. This is like some childhood fantasy come true.
I’m gonna need a bigger house.
The pictures were pulled off the ThreeA Toys forum, and, as you can see, are watermarked by ULTRAMAN.