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First Look – Watchmen Club Black Freighter Rorschach


Rorschach’s Journal, January 16th, 2013.

A Watchman arrived today.

One day after going on sale. Hrm.

System breakdown at shipping agent?

Must investigate timing. Later.

Need complete preview. Fast.

Going to have to make it quick.

Come look first upon he who comes first from the Black Freighter.

Look upon Rorschach. But beware.

Don’t look too long. Might miss the sale. Might be found guilty.

Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” –Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche









Comic-based Watchmen action figures are a long time coming. No need to get into details. If you are here, you know the story. Literature. Marketing. Moore. Tough choice. Toys win. Toys always win. That is why you are here. Good for collectors. Hrm.

Lead with the mystery. Lead with Rorschach. Based off of some DCUC parts. Makes sense. This collection will integrate perfectly with DCUC. Confirmed. Watchmen can stand next to the JLA. Rorschach can finally question the Question. Hrm.


Articulation is good. What you would expect. Trench coat helps hide secrets. Also restricts articulation a bit. Rorschach cannot stand for injustice. Also cannot sit for posing. Like you would expect. Button missing on jacket matches the source material. Who knows us this well to notice a button? Rumors of Horsemen. Four of them. Must investigate, find out what else they know. Hrm.

Paint is solid. No clumping a very little run. Colors are accurate. Mask does not change. That was a pipe dream. Lenticular? Probably would not look good. Changing paint? Does that exist? Must investigate.




Gas gun is included. Can grapple. Well, not really. One solid piece. Looks good, though. Journal not included. Shame. Would have been a nice nod. Base included. Watchmen logo. Just like they government gave us. Government. Hrm.


Usually don’t spend much time on packaging. But packaging is incredible. Love it. Looks like the comic. Opens like a book. Will the clock count down to midnight with each Black Freighter release. Hope so. Very few tie-downs for the figure. Makes it collector friendly. Can take out and put back in. Oversized biography card. Where did all this information come from? Who is responsible for making it available? Marketing guys. Packaging designers. May need to seek vengeance. Hrm.








Club Black Freighter. Long time coming. Good to bring Rorschach home. You can too. Went up for sale Tuesday, January 15th. Matty Collector. Were you there? Now to wait on the team. Osterman is up next. The man of Manhattan. Have a feeling his arrival will eventually be bad for Rorschach. Must investigate. Hrm.






*Thanks to Toy Guru and team for the sample. More will be coming. You will know it when it gets here.

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