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CC33: DCUC King Shark Series by Probodigy

From the Southern gentlemen who brought you the Amazon vs. Banshee pack comes a new series of DC Universe Classics based on everyone’s favorite Bat-family heroes and Secret Six villains!

First up is Batman himself, Bruce Wayne:

Bruce comes with the right hand and left foot of King Shark.

The yin to Batman’s yang and long time Six member, unmasked Catman:

Blake comes with the fin of King Shark.

Batman’s temporary replacement, and most would say worthy successor to the mantle, Dick Grayson:

Dick comes with the right foot of King Shark.

She was the seventh wheel, but no less important, Black Alice:

Alice comes with the torso, arms, head, and left hand of King Shark.

Bat-member with attitude and Catman’s never meant to be love interest, Huntress:

Huntress comes with the blood thirst and good yet bad nature of King Shark.

Finally, the C&C of the wave, the eighth member of a team with Six in their name, King Shark:

Look for them in a store far, far away from you!

Bat Family


Batman is from mostly loose limbs and a different upper and lower torso from various DCUC figures that had been used for parts.  His lower half is a Mattel wrestling figure Randy Orton I believe. The gauntlets and boots are from a Mattel Arkham City Batman and the hands are from a movie War Machine.  The head is a DCD New 52 Bats

Batman(Dick Grayson):

Batman Jr is from a ML Bucky Captain America figure as a base.  His boots, head, and cape are from the DCD Batman Inc. Batman.  His belt id pieces of a Dark Knight movie Masters belt chopped and glued together.


Huntress is made from a few different figures.  Her head, knee pads and belt are from the DCD Hush Huntress.  Her upper torso is from the DCUC Raven figure, her upper arms are DCUC  Wonder Woman’s and her lower arms are DCUC Starfire with added sculpt and styrene.  Her lower torso is from ML Tigra. Her Upper legs are from DCUC Wonder Woman, and her lower legs are from the 4 Horsemen Queen figure.  Her feet are also from Wonder Woman.  The cape is from DCUC Robin.

Secret Six


Catman is a DCUC Catman with a custom head cast provided by ibentmyman-thing

Black Alice:

She’s a ML 2 pack Elektra torso on top of two sets of Mattel female wrestlers legs, one set donating the crotch and thighs, the other bringing the shoes and calves. DCUC Raven head, DCUC Power Girl fists, Movie Master Joker chain.

King Shark:

DCUC C&C Brimstone with a sculpted head except with eyes from a DCUC C&C Arkillo, plastic fin, and MOTUC Megator toes grafted onto the stock feet.