Giant Marvel Characters + Icons + Underpants = Profit $$$
Last week’s poll re-cap: With 87% you chose the standard 6-7" scale for the version of High Evolutionary you’d most want made for Marvel Legends. 6% would prefer a BAF version to wail on their ML9 Galactus.
Make My Marvel! – Icons-Sized Characters
The Icons line of large-scale Marvel characters is either dead or on life-support at this point. There’s really nowhere to go but up so why not take a chance, Hasbro, and use the line to put out some of those massive characters that can no longer cost out using the modern BAF format. It’s an idea that’s been thrown around the boards here for some time, so let’s look at some of the characters that could be done.
An ancient war machine of alien origins, Ultimo was unearthed by the sinister Mandarin and re-purposed for his nefarious uses. Despite numerous defeats at the hands of the Avengers, Ultimo’s been continuously re-built and sent back into the world to wreak havoc.
Giant Man (Ultimate)
Inventor of "Pym Particles and one of the founding members of the Ultimates, Hank Pym has since fallen from grace following his brutal attack on his wife and subsequent public expulsion from the Ultimates. In any universe, Hank Pym still seems to be an ass. Still, he’d make for a pretty cool giant figure for you Ultimate Cap to teach a lesson about anger management.
Scientist Bill Foster worked closely with Hank Pym on the Giant Man serum and later developed his own, much-improved version of the growth formula. When the superhero Civil War broke out, Bill, as Goliath, fought alongside the anti-regers. He became the first casualty of the war when a clone of Thor ran him through him with a lightning bolt. What better way to commemorate his sacrifice than with a giant ML of the character?
Eternity is the physicall embodiment of all creation. Though omnipotent, Eternity has often proven to be easilly incapacitated and/or controlled by various forces of evil in the Marvel Universe. Despite his deficiencies as a character, he’s definitely one of the most iconic visuals of the Marvel U and deserves a figure spot on any ML toy shelf.
Sentinel (Classic)
The greatest threat to the mutant race, the Sentinels were created to protect normal humans but their programming has consistantly led them to subjugate and/or kill all humans, mutant and normal alike, in their ultimate goal of eliminiating the mutant gene. The ML10 version is still one of the best toys ever made, but collectors still beg for a figure of classic version of the character.
Kree Sentry
Sentries make up the large, robotic backbone of the Kree military. Though a respectable threat as individuals, the Sentries are at their most intimidating flying in swarms as they conquer worlds for their Kree controllers. Who wouldn’t want a shelf of these big honkin’ war machines on their toy shelves?
Originally known as "Power Man" with abillities similar to those of Wonder Man, Erik Josten stole and used the growth particles created by Bill Foster to become first "Goliath" and, later, "Atlas." As a member of the villains-turned-heroes supergroup the Thunderbolts, Erik has been transformed, perished, and transformed again into an unstable being of ionic energy.
The first and most powerful of the frost giants, Ymir rules over all his kind and the realm of Niflheim. Since we were robbed of a BAF frost giant with the ending of the LCBH line, this one is a two-fer for collectors.
Living Monolith
When Ahmet Abdol learned that he had the mutant ability to absorb and re-channel solar energy, he quickly formed a cult around himself. He’s since often hunted and absorbed the similar powers of the X-Man Havok in his quest for godhood, both resulting in his increasing size and jerkhood.
Which large-scale character do you most want made for the Icons line?
Giant-Man (Ultimate)
Sentinel (Classic)
Kree Sentry
*Some images courtesy of ComicVine*
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