{mosimage}Toy Guru and the team at Mattel are back to answer all of your burning DC toys questions! Read on to see the latest round of answers and be sure to get your new questions in by Friday, October 5th for the next round!
1. There has been a noticeable hero/villain pairing in each assortment taking a hero and a notable the villain from the hero’s rogue gallery such as Batman & Penguin in series one as well as Aquaman and Black Manta in series two. Will this continue? It would be really cool to have a member of the Legion of Doom in each series 4H style.
Mattel: Yes, this is a strategy we will continue in throughout 2008. By offering both a hero and his/her villain it creates what in the toy industry is called a “play pattern” and helps give a reason for being for the wave.
2. What will the price point of DC Universe Classics be? Will it rise or be the same as DCSH?
Mattel: Our suggested retail price is $9.95 but it is up to our individual retail partners to set a price.
3. Can you tell us about (or show us!) the new packaging for the DCUC figures? Will there be a common appearance across all of the DC lines like the purple scheme currently being utilized?
Mattel: The new packaging will be revealed soon. Stay tuned. It will be all new and really eye catching.
4. Something that has been popular with other collector lines in the past has been a fan vote for a character that will be integrated into a regular assortment of figures. Any chance of seeing this for DCUC?
Mattel: This is something we are talking about. Once the line is off the ground and running it will be something to explore. Let’s wait to see how well things go with the first wave.
5. Can you let us in on what stage of production DCUC series 1 is in and have any aesthetic changes happened to any of the figures since SDCC? Often times with an assortment scheduled to be released in January, it appears in stores earlier. Any chance for seeing series one under the tree this year?
Mattel: Our on shelf date in January 1st for the new DCUC 6 inch figures. A few changes have been made to the paint and decos of figures. Some of these changes were straight from comments made by fans online after seeing the figures at the summer conventions!
Thanks again to Toy Guru for answering all of our burning questions. Sounds like there will be A LOT to see in the coming months from Mattel and DC!