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Ask Hasbro (GI Joe) – 12/18/8

{mosimage}A few weeks ago, when we were upgrading the forums, we asked ourselves, "Selves, what topics are going to cause problems when we’re going through the upgrade?"  We visited the Drop Zone, our forum for the Hasbro lines that don’t happen to be Marvel, and saw a huge thread for GI Joe 25th Anniversary – over 2,500 replies and 80 thousand views!  Then we asked ourselves, "Selves, why aren’t we asking Hasbro some GI Joe questions?"

So we did.  And luckily for this article, they answered!  Big thanks to Prodigy for compiling these questions.

1. It seems some of the more popular Joes have been re-released recently.  What plans do you have to keep re-releasing older, harder to find figures in upcoming waves?

We are constantly striving to find the right mix of getting new figures out to shelf while popping in harder to find figures for the fans.  You will continue to see some of the earlier 25th figures in 2009.

2. Which unique characters that come with vehicles may get a single card release, or maybe a two pack release?

Usually characters are chosen for vehicle sets because they are not strong enough to stand alone, but do well with the vehicles.  Thus, no plans for releasing the vehicle drivers as single packs.

3. Are all orders that met the deadline for Doc going to be filled? What plans are there for the next mail away figure?

As of today, we have enough figures to fill all the orders.  We want to keep the mail away special and will not be doing one in 2009, but will look at 2010 and beyond.

4. The upcoming 5 packs of Joe and Cobra figures seem to have fixed all the problems that people had with the original releases. What other figures that fans have had problems with may be up for an updated fix?

The Hall of Heroes figures are the fan favorites that we were able to give upgrades and updates to.  You will love them!

5. Any plans for playsets or maybe a "build a scene" pack in with new 2 packs
in any future plans?

There are no plans for build-a-scenes or playsets prior to movie.

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