{mosimage}Thanks to our friends on the Hasbro Marvel team, the staff at TheFwoosh.com is proud to present our members with a chance to win one of three Marvel Universe prize packs from Hasbro’s newly-launched Marvel Universe line.
WHO: Marvel Universe Giveaway is open to members of TheFwoosh.com at least 18 years of age as of March 1, 2009.
WHAT: To enter, simply vote in the Marvel Top Five poll!
WHEN: Deadline for submitting your vote is March 5, 2009 at 11:59PM PT.
WHY: Hasbro has provided three prize packs of Marvel products, as described below.
Marvel Universe Starter Pack
- Wave 1 – Spider-Man
- Wave 1 – Silver Surfer
- Wave 1 – Wolverine
- Wave 1 – Bullseye
- Wave 2 – Iron Fist
Marvel Universe Spider-Man Pack
- Wave 1 – Spider-Man
- Wave 2 – Green Goblin
Marvel Universe Iron Man Pack
- Wave 1 – Iron Man
- Wave 1 – Iron Man Stealth Ops
Pictures courtesy of ActionFigurePics.com.
The Fine Print
- Entry period ends at 11:59PM Pacific time on March 5, 2009.
- Winners will be selected by random drawing from members who voted in the Marvel Top Five poll.
- Prizes will be shipped to the winners directly from TheFwoosh.com. Winners who want their prize shipped outside of the United States will be responsible to pay for all shipping costs, including but not limited to shipping, taxes, and tariffs. In the event that a winner does not elect to pay these costs, an alternate winner will be selected.
- Staff members at the Fwoosh and employees of Hasbro are not eligible for this contest (sorry guys!)
- By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to hold TheFwoosh.com and Hasbro, Inc. and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of the use or redemption of the prizes.
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