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New York Comic Con 2009

Check out the latest new about New York Comic Con in 2009!

Fwoosh will be covering the show again this year.

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3 Weeks…and Counting!

The countdown is on…in just 3 short weeks the biggest New York Comic Con ever will take over NYC!  You already have your ticket, now it’s time to start planning for your experience at the con!

NEW!  "I-Con"– Start Planning YOUR Con NOW!

Are you always getting lost in the maze of NYCC? Has it ever taken you an hour to get from one panel to the next?  And then when you get there you find out you just missed it?  Do you want to know the fastest way to get to a booth- so you can get an exclusive?

NYCC is happy to announce "I-Con" an interactive con that lets you make your agenda of panels you want to see, features a 3-D interactive floor plan, artist alley, and more!.

Now that you’ve purchased your ticket, it’s time you start planning your schedule!

And the guest list continues to grow…

More and more guests continue to be added to our list each and every day and this year’s NYCC is sure to feature some of the coolest guests to date!  Guests of honor include J. Michael Straczynski, Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, George Perez, Michael Uslan, Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, and many more!   Take a look at the complete guest list.

Get your Gear – The Store Is Open

The show store is OPEN! New York Comic Con’s Official Online Store offers a collection of limited-edition merchandise and treasures from our previous show.  New items this year include a NYCC Sketchbook and Blurb T-shirts! 

Start Shopping Now

Show Exclusives

Preview this year’s Show Exclusives and In-Booth Activities before you arrive onsite.  You won’t want to miss these special deals!

Viral Videos are back!

We have again teamed up with It’s Just Some Random Guy to put together NYCC Viral Videos.  View them here and don’t forget to send it to your friends… after all that’s why we call it viral!

Hotel & Travel
New York City can be expensive, but New York Comic Con’s Travel Desk is here to help. We’ve reserved special, discounted rooms at local hotels and can also help you book rental cars and flights!

Take a look at the discounted travel accommodations when you book using the Official New York Comic Con Travel Desk

Commuting into the city?  New York Comic Con has also mapped out the subways, ferries, buses, and shuttles that will get you to the Javits Center February 6-8.  Take a look out our travel page.   See you there!

As always…read the Blog
It’s where the news breaks first so be sure to read for all the breaking news, cool stuff, con merch and more!  If there is one thing we like to be at NYCC Headquarters is new and fresh.  We promise to never get stale, which means you have to stay tuned!
Don’t Forget to View the Staff Vlogs!
If you are more of the visual-type than the reading-type, then these are the Vlogs for you! The NYCC staff has posted a series of vlogs (video blogs) and will continue to do so throughout the show. They are entertaining and informative on topics that you have either asked us numerous questions about or on stuff we think you need to know. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Media Sponsor:

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