All rights, kids, MattK and I are going to attempt something we have never tried before – updating this article LIVE during the Mattypalooza Panel. So what does that mean? Keep refreshing this page! If we don’t have a (in)famous Fwoosh crash, we hope to bring you news, line-ups and pictures as they are revealed at the panel. The panel begins at 12:00 NOON PDT, so that will be just a few minutes. Gentlemen (and ladies) start your refreshes!!!
Okay, in about 10 minutes we will start. REFRESH!!!
He-Man is sexy and he knows it!
The Mighty Spector is our host and we are getting rolling a little tech delay…
Ruben and Bill from Mattel, Eric and CB from 4H and two guys from MOTU franchise on the panel.
Sorry! Lost connection!
New Matty line is comic watchmen!
Elasigirl, Lead, Constantine, Uncle Sam, Elongated man, Wally west, Phantom Stranger, st walker and Larfleeze.
new prop for 2013 Ecto Goggles, courtroom ray with tony scolari
MOTUC is next!
Oct: Frosta and Rattlor with neck piece and rattle effect, Great Rebellion sticker sheet! Higuchi figure – Cy-Chop!
Novemeber: Dekker! both young and old visage! FilMation Randor!
Fan Club Winner: Castle Grayskull Man
December: Mosquitor and Procrustus with star seed!
25 sub price and 27 day of. 4 quarterly items, oversized or variants, 1 25, 1 30, 1 50, 1 75
I club Figure
1 Map
January: Netossa!
Ram MAn! is an oversized but only as tall as a regular figure!
Feb: Jitsu! Yes!
March: Fang Man!
Sub figure: King He Man!
Map: Subternia
club exclusive mini comic! by dc but same format as 2012 comics
fighting foe men! three pack of the monogram pilots. oine is a chick and they have interchangeable armor to change their allegeince. Dittstroyer, Sheld Maiden Sherrlyn and Dawg-o-Tor. Named after horsemen’s employees.
Fan choice vote choices:
White costume Marlena
Tunic Evil Lyn
Mini Comic Trap Jaw
Cammo Khan
Mask of Power Demon