I ask fwooshmembers questions.
They answer them.
Custom Creator “I am somewhat selfish with my hobby,”
Where do you live?
I have lived in what is known as “The Biggest Little State in the Union”, Rhode Island my whole life. No, it’s not a part of Long Island or Massachusetts. For a majority of my life I lived in a city that was one square mile. Rhode Island has been great, but I am ready to move on. However with 2 more children coming, that dream may be put on hold.
Where do you work?
Sadly I work for a small appliance retail store named A+D Appliance selling appliances. Although I am VERY happy to be employed in this day and age, this is not where I want to be in life. My all-time biggest dream was to be a Zoologist and I even started going back to school part time, but alas, that too had to be cut out (money and time).
Who is in you family?
My immediate family consists of my wife of almost 3 years, Laura, and our 2yo daughter Peyton. My wife and I are expecting twins sometime in late July/early August, a boy and girl. My father suffers from mental illness and depression and lives in assisted living right now. I have two sisters, one older and one younger. My older sister and her husband have adopted twins and two foster children, and my younger sister has two children also. My mother and older sister live in the same house (two family). We are your typical dysfunctional family, and I haven’t seen my father’s side of the family for years. I am ok with that; I have my own family now.
Do you think your kids will show an interest in action figures?
It depends if I let them in on it….lol. I want my kids to be able to play with their toys. I think that’s what toys are truly for. Surprisingly, action figures aren’t a HUGE slice of my life. I don’t plan on buying two of each figures for my kids, one for the wall and one to play, so we’ll see. I will let them take their own approach. I will not keep them from it, but I also don’t want to come home to find a display case empty and collectibles floating in the tub…lol. By the time they are old enough, I may not even be still customizing, who knows. I am somewhat selfish with my hobby, and that’s probably the only thing that I am selfish about. Not sure if that makes me a bad person or not.
Any pets?
At the moment one goldfish (a black moor). However, I have had every pet from fish to lizards, snakes, frogs, every rodent, and even a dog at one point. I would love another dog, but my lifestyle doesn’t allow me to be at home much, so that wouldn’t be fair. I hope to get some dart frogs back in the collection as I had the most fun keeping those.
What are your future plans?
Everything is up in the air at the moment. My favourite new saying is “Man Plans, God Laughs” Basically meaning, we all plan for the future, and although he’s not laughing at us, he’s more like, “that’s not what I have planned.” I am not as religious as I used to be, but that saying is sticking for some reason. One major plan is that we really need to buy a new house. Our current home is too small for the upcoming increase and the town we live in is not the greatest place to raise a family.
Do you customize?
Well yes I do. I have been in the customizing game for approximately 5-6 years now if memory serves me correct. However, when I was younger, I used to customize GI Joe figures and build model cars, so I consider most of my life being a customizer of some sort. I got a kick out of putting Duke’s head on a cobra body and making him a traitor…lol. Before I got into customizing action figures, I was customizing reptile tanks, and making realistic environments for my creatures.
Which do prefer the cyborg stuff or the diorama stuff?
Sure is a hard question to answer. That’s like asking an artist which painting he prefers. They are actually almost the same. When you have to imagine how a dark alley would look scaled down, or how Spiderman’s head would work on a robotic body, you have to dig deep and get creative. I like the freedom of the cyborgs more because nobody can say that it’s not accurate. You put a HUGE trashcan that’s taller than a “person” in a diorama; people are going to call you on it. I think the challenge of recreating a true-life scene does attract me more, however.
Do you cook?
I actually do a TON of cooking. So much so that I am attempting to start up a small BBQ Catering Company. If there are two passions in my life, food is one of them. I lived alone for 5 years and let’s just say it wasn’t take-out every night. My favourite things to cook are ribs, and pulled pork. I also love grilling. Something about being outdoors over a fire with a cold brew in hand speaks to me. I hate the winter, not because I don’t grill, but I can’t sit outside with it. I do most of the cooking indoors too as my wife is not too keen on it. She is a great baker though.
What is your best dish?
Wow, you’d have to ask the people I feed for that one…lol. My favorite dish to cook is chili, and I am always trying to get that perfect combination. I’ve never had a bad remark made about it, and believe me, my family would say so. I am the type of cook that never does the same dish the same way. Sometimes that’s a bummer because something may come out really great, and I’ll have no recollection of what or how much I put in it. My white seafood lasagna is a big hit too! My biggest talent in the kitchen is making something tasty out of whatever I find floating around. I have a knack for being able to take a block of cheese, some egg noodles, half a pepper, and a quarter of an onion and turn it into close to gourmet Mac and cheese.
What is in your collection?
Well, I have been scaling down my collection big time in the past year or so. Toys have become “less important” to me recently. Not because of money or anything, I just look at some of my collection sometimes with no emotion. On the other hand, what I do have still around makes me happy. I have an almost complete set of the Palisades Muppets including a lot of the variants/exclusives. I have the random figures floating around (Neca TMNT, G1 Transformers, and a HUGE Venom collection that I have been collecting for over 15yrs)
Where do you vacation? Where would you like to vacation?
Well, we don’t have a set vacation spot. Up until I met my wife I never actually went places on vacation. I just took the week off and puttered around town or whatever. Since meeting her I have been to Aruba, Vegas, Florida, Indianapolis (for a Colts game), California, New Jersey, New York, and Williamsburg, VA. Through my work I have also been to Memphis, Mississippi, and good ole Newton Iowa (home of Maytag, and Maytag Bleu Cheese). My ultimate vacation would be to go on safari in Kenya, or head to Australia.
What other sites do you visit?
Well, I have a lot of diverse interests. My main sites other than Fwoosh are Spawn forums, 355 nation (chevy trucks), X-Box scene (xbox modding site), The Smoke Ring (BBQ fourm),
Dendroboard (dart frogs), Instructables (do-it-yourself hacks)
What do you spend your money?
These days, groceries and diapers…haha. I very rarely actually buy toys anymore, and when I do, it’s for fodder. I mostly spend money on taking my daughter places, stuff for work (clothes), gym membership, customizing my truck, and customizing supplies for my customs.
What is wrong with you?
I am overweight, but working on it. I’ve lost 17lbs in a month and a half, and working hard on reaching my goal weight. I also am very impulsive. I sit at a desk most of the day, and if a custom idea pops into my head, I almost instantly start searching Ebay and Google shopping to buy the needed parts, fodder, or electronics. Then they sit in my basement workshop in boxes for months before I get to them. I also like to wear socks outside in the rain…ok, maybe not in the rain.
Those thing you listed ‘what is wrong with you?’ are pretty common, especially here on thefwoosh.
^I think this was commentary; do I need a remark for this?? lol
Thanks CustomCreator!I think transformed man uses this avvy now…
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